22 April 2014, 13:35

Beside the simplicity I think it looks great. A good example that you can make a model look good without heavy weathering.
23 February 2015, 19:44

Great finish!👍 The M3 Lee is a perfect example what drybrushing can achieve on this riveted surface.
24 February 2015, 06:30

Nifty well done model. The Brits loved these things in North Africa. Nice to see a bigger tank without a pound of Tamigoop weathering hanging off it. A good model should not necessarily look like an item that was zapped by a shrink ray, but is a reasonable representation of the type. I think you nailed it this time. The important thing is; did you enjoy it?
24 February 2015, 12:03
Album info
Tamiya M3 Lee w/Eduard PE