Vulcan K.2ビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1May 6, 2014 2May 6, 2014 コメント6 May 2014, 07:14Günther DebiscopAgain another 👍 build from you. 6 May 2014, 10:35Sebastijan Videc 著者thank you Günther! 6 May 2014, 11:10Es-haq KhosraviGreat job! 6 May 2014, 11:14soheil moghisivery nice. 6 May 2014, 13:21Sebastijan Videc 著者Thank you Es-haq and Soheil! 6 May 2014, 17:00Christian BruerImpressive model even in this scale. Well done Sebastijan. 6 May 2014, 19:01Sebastijan Videc 著者Thank you Christian! 7 May 2014, 09:01DutchSebastijan, WOW! Beautiful work. I love your paint work and panel line shading. It really brings out the finish and makes the kit look much larger! Kudos! R/ Dutch 14 February 2020, 18:43Project infoR.A.F VULCAN K.2 TANKER2 画像1:144完成すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »