U.S.S Enterprise
20 May 2014, 18:06

Just roughly taped it together to see how the wires for the LED´s will go through
20 May 2014, 18:10

LED mock-up is working fine, two hour test was sucsessfull, no temperatur problem within the configuration
21 May 2014, 19:56

Uuuh part39 B is damaged I have to contact section x from revell
6 September 2014, 20:39

geek me up Scotty !!! 😄
would make a great desk lamp !
Ebay.co.uk Item - REVELL USS Enterprise NCC 1701 1 600 Aircraft Model Kit 04880
6 September 2014, 21:21

Choppa your nearly got it.... It. will be used as a night light... when it's ready
Clifford I'll do my very best....
7 September 2014, 18:36

I'm a die hard Trekkie. I built the NCC-1701 StarTrek the motion picture and did the same thing lit it. Used a Globe for a base. Of course It long ago met it's end with moving all the time.
7 September 2014, 19:56

cool idea to mount is on a globe.... I´ll use a wooden plate to mount the switch and battery
8 September 2014, 13:06

I am a big fan of Star Trek, also like the Constitution-Class very much!
8 September 2014, 18:41

Thanks Clifford I'll do. my best cause it's a present for my treckie wife 🙂
10 September 2014, 18:09

Christian I'm also a great fan -it was the best tv series in my youth
10 September 2014, 18:12

Looking awfully good. I bet your wife will love it. Is thaht a new release kit. I don't think any of my kits are 1/600 scale?
11 September 2014, 16:41

Hi Clifford it's the Revell from 2011
To be honest, the decals included in that set were also printed in 2011 and were a bit of a nightmare to me
Even when they "smelled" the water it took only a second to get from the decal sheet.
It took tons of micro set and micro sol to get them on the surface!
But only three or four got lost to that nightmare 🙂
12 September 2014, 13:57

In real it looks better.
Tomorrow I'll try a high definition film😉
13 September 2014, 21:01

Thank's Christian it is also allways a pleasure to watch your projects
13 September 2014, 21:41

Now I have to have one,Thank you very much! LOL. It's just awesome. Actually beyond words.
15 September 2014, 02:17

I wonder if I can light my Klingon Battle Cruiser? I found one the other day while cleaning the basement I did not know I even had.
15 September 2014, 02:19

Really amazing...I think you can send this Ship to Paramount, they could use it for new film-productions 😉
15 September 2014, 05:09

Tanks Clifford
May you can build a "bird of pray" in disguise.... A quick and cheap build😉
15 September 2014, 15:06

well guess who went and bought one !! 🙂
it was less than £20 delivered, what else was I suppoed to do ? say no ?
As if.... 😄
I have a feeling mine shall become a bedside lamp too 😄
16 September 2014, 02:02

... 😄
16 September 2014, 02:49

Ebay.co.uk Item - REVELL USS Enterprise NCC 1701 1 600 Aircraft Model Kit 04880
16 September 2014, 02:51

Ebay.co.uk Item - Polar Lights 1 350 Star Trek USS Enterprise NCC 1701 Model Kit POL880
16 September 2014, 02:54

Thanks David
Choppa this is a real good price -my was over 35 euro
Bruno ... Guatemala is not a bad place to be except in case of Revells Enterprise -hope you'll get on
16 September 2014, 18:26

yeah it was a real toss up between that and the Millennium Falcon, the price pipped it though as the MF was £28
LOL Bruno, I like politically INcorrect too !! 😄
there must be some way of getting one posted to you, or is it just the cost of postage thats stopping as it can be silly high !!
16 September 2014, 18:49

Shipping cost from germany 40 euro = 400 GTQ
More than the kit
16 September 2014, 19:07

Danke Gerald,
das Modell hat auch einen schönen Platz im Regal bekommen
Thank you all
9 February 2015, 11:28