StuG IV Early
1 1 September 2014, 21:48

Looks great so far. Like the skirts. A bit clean compared to the road wheels. Maybe you can also add a fee horizontal scratches to the skirts. I think vertical scratches are a bit unusual if you drive through some bushes.
2 September 2014, 05:08

Thanks for the advice. I'm not quite happy with the side skirts and as you said a few horizontal scratches will be nice. I did splash mud on them but i'm not sure it looks good, I will upload a picture when I get home.
2 September 2014, 09:15

Thank you all. Anyone have any advice on how to do the woodgrain on the tools?
2 September 2014, 17:12

Very nice! I really like the weathering! 👍
As for woodgrain, my personal favorites are Vallejo Model Color Clear Orange ( # 70.956 ) and Vallejo Model Color Woodgrain ( # 70.828 ). Both are transparent paints which you paint over a base color. In thin stripes, building up the effect (meaning, multiple layers), thus creating the grain effect.
You can add some dark (very) thin stripes to the base color to pre-paint some of the woodgrain but it isn't really necessary. The base color can be uniform, if you want. The transparent paints in overlapping multiple layers are what creates the grain effect.
Base color dark yellow + Clear Orange ( # 70.956 ) = rich yellow-brown wood effect
Base color dark yellow + Woodgrain ( # 70.828 ) = rich dark brown wood effect
You can also use Clear Yellow instead of Clear Orange, which would give you a somewhat lighter wood effect. but I usually just use a lighter base color + Clear Orange if I want that. Darker base colors give you darker wood. Lighter base colors give you lighter wood. I feel Clear Orange gives a richer effect compared to Clear yellow.
As a final touch you could add a satin or gloss varnish layer but it usually isn't necessary. The paints themselves contain enough gloss to look realistic.
Now, it does take a little practice for this to work properly, so my advice is to not do your first try on a "real live" model😉
2 September 2014, 18:54

Thanks for the advice, I will definetly try out as you suggested. I have plenty of spare tools to practise on 🙂
2 September 2014, 18:59

Oops, sorry for the "sunglass" smilies where it should read the Vallejo paint number. That's what you get when you type in a hurry and do an " 8 " and " ) " without a space 😉
I can promise you, once you get the hang of this technique you will never need another one for wood effects 🙂
2 September 2014, 19:09

I like the mud splashes on the skirts. Maybe you can add some lighter and/or darker splashes to simulate some dried and some fresh mud. You are on the right track!
2 September 2014, 20:11

Thank you Ingmar, I will add some brighter splashes. I have to put some on the wheels as well.
2 September 2014, 20:15

Wow, that's a hell of a worn out shoe!👍 It yells for a dio. Any plans?
3 September 2014, 04:48

I plan to have a base with mud and snow, springthaw. I'm concerned it might look too worn and I will probably refresh some of the wintercamo a little bit.
3 September 2014, 07:04

Nice job, Patrik. I really like photo etch parts and good weathering. May be add some soot on silencer and exhaustion tube would be nice, just looks too clean for such worn out vehicle.
6 September 2014, 11:53

Oh, it is far from done, I diddn´t get so far as painting the exhaust yet. Now I'm painting the details like tools etc. I'm not sure how I will paint the exhaust tube yet, I guess rusty.
6 September 2014, 12:04

Not my special topic but this one looks pretty nice. A lot of PE work done, clean and sharp build and an excellent weathering – I raise my had of this!
6 September 2014, 14:24

Thank you all. 🙂 I got this PE set that included everything and it took three times the time to build it, double price too but what the heck. 🙂
6 September 2014, 17:07

yeah it looks good !! 🙂
though I see the maintenance crew are slacking again... just can't seem to get the staff these days😉
13 September 2014, 17:00

I think I have to dust of my whip... Should I whitewash the flipside of the schurtzen perhaps?
13 September 2014, 18:23

no, it's war !!! or at least that's my excuse for my spit looking like it has been left in the oven too long 😄
13 September 2014, 19:09

If it were a desert aircraft it could look like that after flying through a few sandstorms 🙂 But take pics of it when the canoy is unmasked, I think it will look great. Now, I need to add some different colors to my build in the form of accessories, now its all brown, yellow and white.
13 September 2014, 19:40

Patrik, dont add the white on the imside, the crews jist did visible parts and left the inside dark yellow just splatter some mud there 🙂 looks awesome to me
14 September 2014, 00:20

Awesome work, Patrick! But leave the Schürzen away, it looks extremely far better!
14 September 2014, 00:29

Really good, Patrik! Well done! 👍
I agree with Holger! 🙂 The Schürzen are hiding a lot of the very nice detail you have done. Would be a shame not being able to see that.
14 September 2014, 09:27

Thanks all for the nice comments. I might remove a few of the schûrzen plates, i did take of one of them but it isnt that visible on the picures, good suggestions.
14 September 2014, 09:46

Thats some kind of a great build! Some whitewash mixed with dunkelgelbcamo... Very disciplined and clean build! I am really impressed by your weathering skills! Fkn great Job! 😄😄
16 September 2014, 18:15

Thank you all. I looked at the PE set and there are loads of PE parts left, I wonder if I forgot something but it is probably parts for middle and late version of the StuG.
16 September 2014, 18:24

Nice one Patrik. Witch product did you use for the chipping. 👍.
17 September 2014, 05:51

I used hairspray technique to wear down some of the white. I used Vallejo dark brown for chipping and then graphite for some edges that are exposed.
17 September 2014, 07:00

Really top notch. I like the way you did the rust on the edges of the skirts. I have a 1/48th Bandi kit to
build one day. Yours will be a good for referance. Gary
17 September 2014, 13:26

Thank you Gary. I see that you have a B5N2 in your stash. I have a B5N1 but hasegawa didn´t provide torpedo, just a bomb. 🙁
17 September 2014, 16:50

This tank is great, your mud is really muddy too, good job....
18 September 2014, 05:35

Hi Patrick, looks very realistic 🙂
Will you put it on a Dio. It would have deserved a nice diorama 😉
18 September 2014, 07:17

I'm making vignette for it, just an IKEA frame with some ground where I will place the tank. My thought is spring thaw with mud and perhaps some melting snow. I'm not good at making dios and have just a vague adea how to do this.
18 September 2014, 11:07

Very, very nice, Patrik! Well done so far!! 👍 👍
The only comment I would want to make is that the snow on the ground seems too uniform and patchy. Are you going to sprinkle some baking soda (or similar fine grained white stuff) on the edges of the snow patches, to unify them with the rest of the diorama?
Other than that, the groundwork looks really good! 🙂
20 September 2014, 17:39

Thanks Choppa and John, yes I will put something on the edges, i'm not quite happy with the snow. I have to get something that looks like snow, I have heard that baking soda turn yellow and attract flies. The grass looked like moss so I airbrushed it brown. 🙂 Next project will be a simple OOB of a Bren carrier.
20 September 2014, 18:11

As a fan of the easy way 🙂 I would lightly drybrush the edges of the snow with some brown tones and call it done.
20 September 2014, 18:14

I like the snow for the stage of melt it represents. The thin fringes would be gone.
20 September 2014, 18:21

Phil, yes melting snow is more af a challange than I could imagine. I plan to put some small water puddles and that might help to improve it.
20 September 2014, 18:38

Excellent work! Very nice base. Some additional figures will make it perfect.
20 September 2014, 18:50

dipping a brush in paint and then use the airbrush to blow the paint off the normal brush gives a nice spattering effect, which I discovered by accident, over laying alternate layers of white and brown around the edges might be effective, but what about talcum powder ?
20 September 2014, 19:02

Nice looking diorama Patrik, some figures would really set it off.
20 September 2014, 19:34

I think I have to turn the supermarket upside down in the hunt for anything that is white and is a powder. 🙂 Worse still is the the gunsight is gone, the thing that is supposed to stick out of the hole near the commanders cuppola.
20 September 2014, 19:47

Yes, but the crew tend to get a little bit more upset about a lost gunsight than a lost tool clamp.😉
20 September 2014, 19:53

You´re shure about that?😉 Can´t you steal that from another Dragon Pz. IV kit, the Wirbelwind for example?
20 September 2014, 22:31

No Fabian. the gunsight is like a periscope while the other ones are like a tube. The bloody thing snapped away when I held it in my tweezers, I'm sure you experienced that too. I looked everywhere, amazing how it can disappear.
21 September 2014, 10:01

Sorry Patrik, you're right. The Wirbelwind has the wrong sprue, you could check your Jagdpanzer, from what I've seen it could include a spare one. As even a wrong gunsight is better than no one😉
21 September 2014, 11:55

I have an old Jagpanzer IV from Tamiya, I might be able to take that one. The dragon gunsight is a clear part. The final option is to turn my hobbyroom upside down but i fear the little bastard might have jumped in mysterious ways down and up again, and on to the side and then down in the trash bin (whish of course was emptied since).
21 September 2014, 12:16

Amazing work! 👍
Just one point: I would have put more smaller snow spots on the ground besides the bigger areas.
22 September 2014, 05:39

Thanks ULf, yes I saw that when I was done, it does look a bit strange now. But I wont use plaster for that.
22 September 2014, 10:06
Album info
East prussia spring 1945.