AV Hughes 500D Helihire IWX
October 28, 2014Day 1 Progress - 22.07.2014 - painted and assembled cockpit2
October 28, 2014Day 2 & 3a Progress - 11.08.2014 - masked and attached windows, primered and painted fuselage, masked lines, attached skids, assembled and attached tail3
October 28, 2014Day 2 & 3b Progress - 11.08.2014 - masked and attached windows, primered and painted fuselage, masked lines, attached skids, assembled and attached tail4
October 28, 2014Day 4 5 & 6a Progress - 26.08.2014 - painted and masked each paint layer5
October 28, 2014Day 4 5 & 6b Progress - 26.08.2014 - painted and masked each paint layer6
October 28, 2014Day 7a Progress - 09.09.2014 - assembled rotors, removed maskings, applied clear coat, decals and final clear coats RED7
October 28, 2014Day 7a Progress - 09.09.2014 - assembled rotors, removed maskings, applied clear coat, decals and final clear coats WHITE8
October 28, 2014Day 7b Progress - 09.09.2014 - assembled rotors, removed maskings, applied clear coat, decals and final clear coats RED9
October 28, 2014Day 7B Progress - 09.09.2014 - assembled rotors, removed maskings, applied clear coat, decals and final clear coats WHITE
28 October 2014, 08:55
Album info
1/24 scale Hobbycraft Hughes 500D with custom Helihire IWX livery and 3D printed tall skids