E-25 Ausf. B
7 22 December 2014, 12:49

Great result, so far! I love the streakings! Absolute convincing!!!
6 January 2015, 08:48

Thanks Holger. It's already got dusted now I'm working on the tracks and it will be done.
6 January 2015, 19:56

Beautiful work. Stunjing!! How did you do the perfect color modulation?? Anytips as I am really new to it and need some serious help.
Why did you have to repaint??
11 January 2015, 20:19

I just written a whole novel how I did it and it didn't upload!
Anyway thanks Hunter. Tomorrow I will rewrite it again. 🙂
11 January 2015, 20:44

The work on here is so uniformly good, it makes me want to give up. This is another amazing piece.
12 January 2015, 03:34

Nice work Gabor, your attention to detail is great and the weathering is fantastic Well done. Is there a dio for this one?
12 January 2015, 13:08

I really like the weathering, its really awesome what is possible!
12 January 2015, 14:39

@Hunter: The main principal what I keep in mind is that the top is always the lightest. I learnd this from MIG's book but he is doing it a bit differently. I use a piece of paper to mask the areas I dont want to highlight. Mainly I use 3 colores. The base the dark and the light usually from color modulation sets. After the three colores I 'dust' it over with a mid color to bring it together. Hope it was helpful my english is not perfect 🙂 Any questions feel free to ask.
@Leif: Don't stop. No one started as a pro 🙂
@Andrew: I was not brave enough to try a dio. Not even a figure 🙂
12 January 2015, 15:11

@Hunter: I had to repaint because I didn't sealed the paint off and when I started to work with oils the thinner took off the sand color and it was quite severe and I couldn't hide it with weathering.
12 January 2015, 15:57

Gabor the weathering, the bouncing bullets and the shell mark on the side panel is intense! 👍 My question is the black/brown spots over the entire vehicle , did you do those with the sponge technique?
12 January 2015, 18:13

Thanks Murad. Yes and no 🙂 The small group of spots are made with sponge the rest is thanks to my not so good airbrush 😄 The whole texture is not so smooth and I really don't have any idea why. It's a bit like some anti slip surface. 🙂
12 January 2015, 18:36

If its grainy from the airbrush its normally to high a psi or the paint drying before it hits the surface, I have spotting blow outs if I dont use a retarder on hot days.or I get lazy and dont clean the airbrush between coats 🙂, acrylics act oddly with me due to the very hot weather where I live, and if its really humid at about 85% I dont like to paint it also makes a spotty finish no matter the amount of thinner or retarder i use. But the paint job you have created its a gorgeous one and I dont think anybody is going to nit pick your work.
12 January 2015, 20:24

Thanks Mary. I'm always at war with PSI. 🙂 Normally I use it around 0.6-1 but sometimes the paint don't flow thru no matter how thin is the paint.
13 January 2015, 03:52

Well I sit around 15-25 never really changesand 0.6-1 bar is the same ghost in the machine! only if Im doing mud effects then I crank to 60 then go to 10psi to alternate splatter patterns, it took me 5 years and a lot of kits to learn, this hobby can bleed your pockets lol, so almost at the end of the road with this build? Its going to look awesome on the shelf my jagdtiger has sapped all my strenght lol hope this one hasnt done the same.
🙂 👍
13 January 2015, 07:56

It's completed but I didn't take any pictures yet. Maybe on the weekend I'll do it and upload it.
13 January 2015, 08:22

I like the weathering and the camo work on this one .... absolutely convincing! 👍
19 January 2015, 11:29

Hey Gábor, the barrel and muzzle is not included in the box, i think? Did you took it from a Jagdpanther?
19 January 2015, 12:10

Nicely done what-if. The gun is just about the lengh of the vehicle itself, is it? That´s what I´d call reasonably 😄 👍
19 January 2015, 12:15

The gun was taken from a King tiger and I even cut a few cm from it. 🙂 I know it's a bit long but jagdpanzer IV L70 gun was not much shorter 😄
19 January 2015, 12:36

No citicism, that´s what those what if´s are for, some fun inbeteween. Actually I´m just thinking of the support variant of your "E-25 Ausf. B with 8,8cm L65", the "E-25 Ausf C with 15cm Stumkanone" 😄
19 January 2015, 12:58
Album info
It started as a OOB but I just can't help it. I have to modify it a bit. 🙂