19 April 2015, 00:53

Cool ship, indeed. Nice work. The Ospreys seem to be out of scale, compared to the Super Stallion and the Seahawk?
19 April 2015, 08:33

Thanks, the Ospreys are from the Bronco aircraft set for memory, they may be a bit out of scale?
19 April 2015, 08:45

Scale Shmale !The work and effort that you have gone to here is just stunning, just a s long as it pleases you. Well done mate. (A big thumbs up). 🙂 LOL.
20 April 2015, 23:08

Very cool! I wish I had a chance to take more pictures and tour her when I was in Japan. All of this class, if you don't know, are configured to be able to operate the F-35B when Japan gets them - so you can update soon! 😉
20 April 2015, 23:38

Hi Kerry and John, thanks for the comments, much appreciated.
Calvin, thanks for your info, I had seen on another site that also quoted the F-35B would "probably" be able to operate off the Hyuga and Ise, but would / could? be the mainstay on the new Izumo DDH-183+ class. Will think about adding some soon. Thanks Peter
22 April 2015, 07:25
Album info
1/350 JMSDF Ise