Panther Ausf. G Late
25 May 2015, 16:03

Awesome paint job Gabor!!!!
Where is your famous color modulation ?????
31 May 2015, 16:18

Thanks guys.
I was thinking of pre-shading but it wouldn't turned out well because of the thick layer of paint I used. I will have to solve this with oils.
31 May 2015, 17:53

Ok. I can't help it. Hunter planted a bug in my ear and that bug said :do it. So I did modulate. 😄
1 June 2015, 16:42

Yaay I changed your mind lol
It looks a whole lot better now lol makes the finish more interesting 🙂
3 June 2015, 23:06

Indeed. I was thinking about it because it will be worn down heavily and that requires modulation IMHO. 🙂
4 June 2015, 07:11

It also helped to mak e the dunkelgelb not so bright and stark and also helped tie it all togeather
5 June 2015, 11:26

Agreed. I didn't liked the base colour much anyway. 🙂 the green was too pale the rotbraun was too orange.
5 June 2015, 16:43

Awesome Scratch and chipping effects. How did you do the scratches??
8 June 2015, 19:08

Awesome Scratch and chipping effects. How did you do the scratches??
(it needed repeating 🙂 )
8 June 2015, 19:26

Hi Gabor, this is a really inspiring build! Interesting how you proceed and what you attach before painting (Tools etc.).
It looks awesome!😄
9 June 2015, 07:09

With my last AVF´s i tend to attach all, too! As Rui said, it working out for me!
9 June 2015, 13:02

Btw, the battle damage on the front turret plate corner looks awesome!
9 June 2015, 13:03

I tried both ways but it was too messy for me to glue the painted tools. I slide a pice of paper under the tools when I'm painting it. The damage is a simple very hot welding tool. 🙂
9 June 2015, 14:57

I learned it the hard way, too. I always messed up the painted tools with glue and had to repaint it. So i decided to paint all after glueing.
9 June 2015, 15:03

And the idea with the welding tool, i´ll keep that in mind because the result ist stunning!
9 June 2015, 15:03

One more question, please Gabor: Did the hairspray still work under two or three layers of paint? How many layers of hairspray have you applyed?
9 June 2015, 15:05

I used AK's heavy chipping fluid. Applied it in 3-4 coat and let it dry until it's not shiny. Check out my E-75 in my albums I have used double layer chipping on that one and you can see hows the effect looks like. After priming I painted the chipping colour than a few layers of heavy chipping fluid after that I painted the 'primer' colour after that a few layers of scratches effevt fluid and finally the camo.
9 June 2015, 16:43

These steps make definately sense! Thats the way i´d do it too... Lets see it on my next AFV😢
9 June 2015, 17:23

Your too good to play here any more, you are making us look like novices. LOL 🙂
Excellent Rui, and may I make a suggestion on the projectile hit marks you have excellently done, how about scratching gouge marks that radiate away from where the explosive round has hit, like the shrapnel marks, and I will dig up a reference photo for you to emphasise what I mean.
This tank build really looks like a tank, or does that sound stupid. But I think you know what I mean mate. 🙂
14 June 2015, 02:09

I don't know what you are trying to represent there, wether its an AP or not, It was just a suggestion. :-/
14 June 2015, 03:31

@ Kezza, You are right it's a good suggestion, I'm just trying to advocate devil's if you want... Wether its an AP or not, great work Gabor 👍
14 June 2015, 03:46

Now please something different: What the phucking hell means "Kezza"?!
BTW Gooooooood morning!😢
14 June 2015, 05:48

Kezza is my name, Kerry, I was always called Kez all my life, just like you are called "Holley" or holz, and Phucking good morning to you too Holger. 🙂 🙂
14 June 2015, 09:42

Ah, its your nickname!That explaines it all!😄
And no one evEr called me "Holz" ROFLLOL 🙂😄😢
14 June 2015, 10:37

Well, now you have been called "Holz", but the only time I guess. 🙂
I don't know why it is done, to give people 'nick' names, but I never disliked my nick name, and at least I knew who they were referring to. 🙂
14 June 2015, 11:32

Holz !!! ...who goes there ? !! 😄 .......sorry....
Actually Holz makes me think of Holiday which makes me think of Billie, as in Billie Holiday.
I think there is a good argument to be made for Holly's new nick name to be Billie....
Seems perfectly logical to me😉
14 June 2015, 15:51

This is one of the the best cats I`ve seen so far! Excellent finish in any way!
And BTW ... Holger remains Holger because "Holz" is only a piece of wood. 🙂
14 June 2015, 19:15

Hey Gabor, some mates say that the sides in inner wheels should be metallic finished. In mine I didn't do it, but there are photo evidence that some times it happened, just a thought.😉. great work so far 👍
20 June 2015, 18:27

Thanks guys.
@Rui: you mean the inner inner wheel? 🙂 Those will be covered by the tracks anyway so I don't bother much with it but I I'll keep that in Mind. 🙂
20 June 2015, 19:03

Who ever the scrap metal dealer you are buying from is, don't loose his number. It looks fab mate. 🙂 👍.
20 June 2015, 22:34

Hi Gábor, I'm talking about the middle ones that are in contact with the track inner "teeth" ??? sorry don't know the right word for it. But I will post a picture of it. 🙂
21 June 2015, 02:10

Thanks again everyone. 🙂
@Rui: I know what you mean! How could I miss that!? Well this was the first Panther I have built so I will correct that.
@Kerry: I'm back to do what I really like. Scrap metal 🙂
21 June 2015, 07:11

Yes, you MUST pay attention to the hardest working and most used aspect of any tracked vehicle, and that would have to be the tracks, as so many modellers seem to overlook that fact. 🙂
21 June 2015, 09:51

Hi Gabor, did you saw the photo I posted in my album? I must say, that there are also many photo evidence of tanks where the shine in the middle wheels isn't visible, so it's as you wish mate🙂, It was just a hint to do something different because lots of modeller's (just as me in my 1st Panther) don't dare or notice that in time, to do it. 😉
21 June 2015, 13:04

Awesome,will improve the already beautiful overall finish by 1000%
23 June 2015, 13:01

Gabor, a hearty "Beautifully done" from me on the whole build mate and especially the tracks, as the way you have done them gives the whole thing an air of 'exactness', or preciseness if you like.
You have hit the jackpot buddy. 🙂 👍 👍 👍
27 June 2015, 19:44

Well, Gabor... I like cats... And this one is one of the best I´ve seen so far! What a beauty !!!
27 June 2015, 19:56

Thank you very much Kerry and Christian. You are too kind 🙂 Maybe I gather my courage and enter this one to a competition competition.
27 June 2015, 20:44

Holy S**t!!!! Gabor that is a real stunner so far!! Thentracks have turned out perfect. They look like rel metal and look heavy 😄
27 June 2015, 21:42

Kerry, Christian. Thanks. Let's hope it will happen 😄
Hunter. Thanks, they are real metal. Just kidding I know what you mean. 😄
28 June 2015, 07:23

It has all been said by all my mates here Gabor. "😉 👍
Wonderful stuff mate. 🙂 🙂
3 July 2015, 22:31

wow! Is this actually still a plastic model or did you cheat us and took the pcitures from a Museum? This is giving me big frustrating and putting me back into the "Absolute Beginner" - toddler Group of builders....simply amazed about your skills!
6 July 2015, 10:56

Thanks Julian. I wouldn't say that I'm a pro at all 🙂
This Panther is full of inaccuracies (not that I'm obsessed with accuracy) 🙂
The fun factor is more important to me.
6 July 2015, 19:23

Gabor, your blessed mate, as it seems that everything you touch turns to gold.
Your a natural. !! 🙂 👍 👍
7 July 2015, 05:43
Album info
The plan is a worn down tank in Berlin.