Airfix Crusader Mk III
July 23, 20152
July 23, 20153
July 23, 20154
July 23, 2015I was unsatisfied with the kit external fuel tank, so built a new one.5
July 23, 2015Shovel retainers scratched.6
July 23, 2015Light guards from wire, scratch tow shackle from styrene.7
July 23, 2015This armor plate with it's rivets was missing from the kit.8
July 23, 2015More to scale barrel counter-balance for the 6pdr; three prongs on plate were some sort of backup manual sighting device (not represented in the kit at all).9
July 23, 2015Holes in road wheel rubber were just raised cirlces as molded. Each and every one, on each and every wheel, was drilled in by hand....10
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July 23, 2015
2 23 July 2015, 18:39