Wing Assembly

I saw this plane during taxiing at Mexico airport, looked awesome in this sheme.

Yes, it really stands out even though it is a very old plane (40+ years!).
Album info
Shows my progress through this build. The kit is OK but it has some really minor assembly imperfections that I repaired with Tamiya grey putty, Tamiya extra thin cement, plasticard and mineor sanding and re-scribing. There is not available 727 winglets in the market so I build them. First, I made a thorough internet search for scaled plans but found nothing. Then I got some photos and from them I had to obtain angles and relative sizes. I made a template and cut some thick plasticard to size. Fitted by eye-ball and looked just right although I may be some scale inches off. I clipped off the kit's wing tips and glued the winglets in the appropriated angle with a piece of plasticard as a mold. A lot of grey putty and sanding finished the job.