AH-1G Cobra
3 18 November 2015, 09:47

More photos and descriptions at: vvsmodelling.com/2015/11/18/nam-snake-part-1/
18 November 2015, 09:47

Great job so far. I was an AH-1G Cobra crewchief 69-71 in D Troop 3rd Squadron 4th Cav. Later changed to F Troop 4th Cav. I only wish they would come out in 1/48th scale. Gary
18 November 2015, 12:28

Thank you, guys!
Gary - nice to have a crewchief on board! Hope the rest of this build won't dissapoint you 🙂
18 November 2015, 13:17

nice work on the cockpit.
@Gary: I've thought Revell had one in 1:48, but it's an old model. Or do you mean a new mold in 1:48?
18 November 2015, 14:06

Hi Bart, The Revell kit is of the AH-1F/S, and a very nice kit too.They did have a G model in 1/32nd scale. The S designation was change to an F. Lindberg has a reissue out, but it's crap. The G model was the first cobra. It had a rounded blue tinted canopy. The tail rotor started out on the lt side and was moved over to the rt side to increase efficientcy.
This was done as a field modification at Vung Tao in 1970. My ship was 67-15567. Gary
18 November 2015, 18:13

New update: vvsmodelling.com/2015/11/30/nam-snake-part-2/
30 November 2015, 17:50

very nice paintjob. Saw the method a few times before, but never tried it so far...
1 December 2015, 08:23

Looks great. In our unit when a panel or other parts like the exhaust shroud were replaced they were painted black or left zinc chromate primer. I see your building on with a 20mm. We only had 1 with that gun out of 10 cobras. My cobra is in my showcase. Gary
1 December 2015, 14:37

We also went to the PX and bought Johnsons floor wax and polished our birds to a shine. It gave us something to do. Gary
1 December 2015, 18:41

That explains why so many photos show Cobra's heavily weathered yet shiny! 😄
3 December 2015, 19:56

Another update: vvsmodelling.com/2015/12/05/nam-snake-part-3/
5 December 2015, 14:12

Cobra is finished! More photos here: vvsmodelling.com/2015/12/07/bell-ah-1g-cobra/
7 December 2015, 15:48

Very nice. I'm glad to see that the little tabs(not the trim tabs) are on the main rotor tips. They were used for tying down the main rotor and for tracking the main rotor. It's also intresting that you used the XM-18 minigun pod on the rt inboard station.They didn't work very well in our unit. Some of our Cobras carried 2 of them in the 1969 era then we got rid of them.Still I love what you did. Love to see Cobras. Gary
7 December 2015, 19:24

Thanks guys!
Gary, XM-18 is there only temporary - I intend to replace it with 19-shooter 2.75 rocket pod, as that was the usual loadout on 'Thor's Hammer'. And I have to be honest, I got a bit Cobra bitten and I'll probably build a few more in the future 🙂
7 December 2015, 21:38

This is very well done, the best Cobra I have seen so far, congrats!
8 December 2015, 12:07
Album info
Thor's Hammer, Vietnam