WIP - A-7D Corsair II
1 21 December 2015, 17:40

Stefan - Welcome aboard.
John - Thanks. While unboxing model I was saying to myself, do it easy, simple, without any modification. Just Out of the Box. Next day I was checking Scalemates for possible upgrades and it llooks like it will be another long build.😉
7 January 2016, 10:00

Guido - There are still plenty of free chairs in a first row.😉
Thank and i hope you will enjoy watching.
7 January 2016, 10:10

Kurt, Christian, Gareth, Clifford - It is nice nice to have such audience. 😄
Probably project will slow down a little bit as I put my hands on Patriot from Trumpeter so I have to share time between those two models. BUt I promise I will try to update it as often as possible. 😉
14 January 2016, 10:07

Welcome aboard Bryn. Model unfortunately is bad. Maybe not as much as A-10 but most of the main parts just do not fit. I have to bend them, use a lot of CA glue with accelerator to glue them in place correctly. Disaster. I hope when finally I do fuselage, it will be easier. I hope.
29 November 2016, 06:26

Nice progress on this beast... cockpit looks the deal... What nation will it belong to? or will you go for a deep down and dirty Hellenic one?
29 November 2016, 10:17

cockpit looks good, you are doing a really nice job here... i am certainly grabbing a chair too 🙂
29 November 2016, 11:29

Thank you Bart. Honestly, I'm not sure. I was looking for some interesting camo - so if you have some photos, please let me know.
Thank you Spanjaard - I'm sure there are some free chairs in the first row. 😉
29 November 2016, 12:05

do you like showbirds or more deep down and dirty?
[img1] (I think this is an E instead of a H due to the IFR-probe, but it gives an idea of the weathering)
6 December 2016, 12:30

Dammit, that Looks impressive! I´ll take the seat at Spanjaard. Beer anyone?😉
2 October 2018, 11:42

Thank you - I hoped that it's over but one of the folks on polish model forum posted that I shoud add some dirt at the bottom, especially on fuel tanks and fuselage.
I'm doing this so I will upload picture tomorrow.
2 October 2018, 14:07

That is a splendid A-7. It always amazes me how much ordnance these birds could carry.
2 October 2018, 14:27

I hesitate.... Is it too nice so I stop modelling or is it too inspiring so I keep modelling ? 😉
3 October 2018, 17:38

Thank you guys - I'm very happy that you like it 🙂
Time to plan next one - I'm afraid it will be tough choice to make.
3 October 2018, 19:59

Great job, especially now filthy. We could choose your next build for you 🙂
4 October 2018, 03:00

Thank you Daniel and Micheal.
Spanjaard - yes, too much planes to choose 😉
Scott - we can make a survey however looking at the stash I thought about F-117A. Not too much parts but quite challenging painting.
4 October 2018, 06:18

My vote would be SA-8 Gecko or the Meng Buk or ZSU-23-4. I'm still waiting for mine. Whatever you choose will be stunning I know
4 October 2018, 08:41

Thanks. I think model is completed - I've just uploaded some final photos.
Thank you all for watching and comments.
4 October 2018, 20:59
Album info
Photos of builded model of A-7D plane.