Yak-9T - Documentation
31 January 2016, 16:39

interessting subject... do you have more information on those photographs? am i right that these are german pilots and one german serviceman?
31 January 2016, 17:18

No, these are French pilots fighting alongside the Russians. They had fled to USSR when France capitulated in 1940, and were regrouped in a squadron called the "Normandie-Niémen". en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normandie-Niemen
The pilots had seemingly kept their French uniform, and the ground personnel were Russians. René Challe, the pilot of plane nb. 60, claimed 8 kills during the war. You can find more information about two of the pictures above here: airpages.ru/eng/ru/aircraft_ru.shtml
31 January 2016, 18:09