25 April 2016, 04:53

I simply cannot pass by when a 1/48 scale B-1 is being build!
On the first picture; the cockpit section looks as if moulded in white plastic? Any after market you did use?
25 April 2016, 08:46

this beast is huge, i have a buddy of mine ho has built 2 of them already.
25 April 2016, 11:36

just some Ed Interior (49737) stuff in the front cockpit,(found out after starting that i was missing main front gear parts). there is not a lot you can see with it all sealed up in flight config, so i left out the resin seats. probably should have made sure i had all the landing gear parts before i started then i wouldn't have wasted the PE but you ebay and takes your chances i suppose..I know it in there though so that's something.
Cliff how did you deal with the lack of antennas? scratch build? or is this remedied in a newer kit? I'm missing like a dozen or so conformal antennas/ from what i remember. Also had a major fit issue at the rear empennage. (work work work 😄) any tips for future builds guys? I really want another go at this later with all the gear down and some inspection panels opened up.
26 April 2016, 04:20

Barricuda Studios makes a whole mess of resin parts for that bird. I used every thing they make. Resin wheels, update set, which includes the antennas etc. I also used the Eduard cockpit set. I did not have a whole lot of fit problems. The fwd fuselage required a small amont of putty, but I think that was all.
27 April 2016, 18:52
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some more build photos, cant imagine how much longer this would have taken with all the gear and bomb bays done out, maybe i get another one for when i retire lol.