Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat
22 1 June 2016, 09:14

Yesss, Eduard belts and Yahu instrument panel😉 Thank you komoras !!!
1 June 2016, 12:31

Thank you Pierre, I must say that it's a very pleasure buid this kit so far 🙂
1 June 2016, 13:01

Not for that😉
After such nice pics, I cant really wait to get back into modelling!
Btw how do you like the Yahu panels so far? ive ordered some yesterday and they are looking superb in my opinion.
9 June 2016, 14:20

Thank you Jose !!!
@Soeren: The Yahu panel it's a really wonder... only in 1/72 you need a lens to appreciate it 😄 This F4F is really a great kit, only I have had some difficulties to fit the cockpit in the fuselage valves. I have had to use the abrasive paper to thin the width of the cockpit and putty to fill the joints.
9 June 2016, 14:44

Very nice Cristian, really like the details, the paint work is really excellent and the overall of your build.
24 June 2016, 02:18

Thank you all guys, your kind words are a great satisfaction for me😉
4 July 2016, 12:21

Very nice Wildcat 👍 Which color did you use for that aircraft? It look´s similar to the color I need for my Super Puma helo.
4 July 2016, 13:46

Ciao Harry, thank you for your appreciation 🙂 I've used Humbrol 125 for upper, and Humbrol 129 for lower.... so, good job with your Super Puma😉
4 July 2016, 13:51

Looks really good, I like the Yahu panel - it brings the cockpit to life, looks like Yahu is in my future purchases
4 July 2016, 14:11

Thanks Dave, Yahu panel is really good. I must reduce it a little to fit in the pit, but if you look at it with a lens, it's incredibly perfect 🙂
4 July 2016, 14:23

Holger in a 1/144 to see the instruments it must use a microscope 😄😄😄
4 July 2016, 14:41

Thank you Soeren, unfortunately with handbrush the fading effect (grey blue on gull grey) that I would like to do, due to my skill, it was impossible to create 🙁
4 July 2016, 16:12

Thank you very much Martien and Urban, it's a great thing to have so kind mates as you 🙂
5 July 2016, 16:29

You deserved it Cristian😉
How was the build btw, because Ive two of them in my stash and they are looking really nice out of the box.
6 July 2016, 09:41

Thank you very much Soeren 🙂 The build was been very pleasant, the only little problem is at the moment to fit the pit in the two fuselage valves. But with some abrasive paper, a little putty and a lot of swearing 🙂 the work was done. Oh I've just bought another kit to build it with wing "opened" 🙂
6 July 2016, 13:01