RAF Tornado GR1
1 8 July 2016, 21:11

Metal parts done. Laid a base of flat aluminium and rubbed some pigments in (burnt steel/ gunmetal). At last some Tamiya Smoke - hence the gloss. For now.
4 August 2016, 17:45

Oh yes, RAF-Tornados are so cool...I will watch this session with interest!
4 August 2016, 18:40

Welcome aboard! @Chistian: a RAF Tornado by you would be a real inspiration!
@James: Thanks man! So far it went better than the Harrier. 😉
5 August 2016, 07:47

Decals done. I didn't skip a single decal, thpugh I was seriously tempted. Just teach the airmen around the world to do not step anywhere on an aeroplane. Would save me a lot of time. 😉
7 August 2016, 07:38

Looks great! Oh yes, the No-step stencils are annoying...I was not able to count how many I put on aircrafts in my life 😉
7 August 2016, 07:59

Done. Messed up the landing gear. Weathering got too heavy and I lost the pitot tube. 🙂
But I learned a bit. The new airbrush needle was a real eye opener (switched from 0.4mm to 0.2mm).
18 August 2016, 16:48

Not bad, I miss sharper colour separation, but the ex-Gulf-War stuff under the pylons is v.impressive 👍
18 August 2016, 18:19

Hey Łukasz, you are right. The first two panel line washings turned into grown man black washes over the whole aeroplane. The jet became way too dark. 😉
18 August 2016, 19:00

Very well done, like it, dont think that it is too dark! Cheers, Christian
19 August 2016, 11:53

John, Beautiful work there! A friends' father flew Tonkas out of Bruggen on his last assignment in the late 1980s. He is now ailing and I have been commissioned to build a 17 Sqn example for him. Any building / painting tips would be appreciated. I plan on using Revell kit #04619 and kit stencils with 17 Sqn marks coming from Modeldecal #80. R/ Dutch
14 December 2016, 21:50

Hey Dutch, thank you very much!
The kit fell together quite well. Just the connection of the main body and the front fuselage didn't fit and needed quite some putty.
I messed up the landing gear as well. If you are familiar with the Tornado landing gear, no problem I guess. But if you haven't built one yet plan for some extra time to understand the fitting. I'd also assemble the struts of the landing gear before mounting the wings.
For painting I used Tamiya colors without reference. Just took what seemed right to my eye. 😉
I did the usual steps of pre-shading, base colours and highlighting using a 0.2mm airbrush. I used BluTac for masking the camo scheme, which worked really good. The final washing turned out way to dark though.
I had trouble finding good pictures of weathered Tornados. Apparently the RAF Tornados went more often to the paint shop than the german Phantoms of that time. 😉
Hope that helps a little. Cheers John
15 December 2016, 17:24