スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Scott Hastings (twokidsnosleep)

Poe Dameron's X Wing Fighter


17 July 2016, 23:57
Bart Goesaert
lovely model, but not utterly convinced by the water though...
 18 July 2016, 08:51
Jozef Goos
 18 July 2016, 12:14
Stanley Carrier
he might benefit from synthetic stuffing extruded and strategically placed to create the effect of more vaporous clouds, on top of the water turbulence he has already depicted.
 18 July 2016, 13:52
Scott Hastings 著者
Thank you. I like the water more than the model
 18 July 2016, 15:09
Scott Hastings 著者
And now have ordered the 1/72 version, so let's call this a trial run
 20 July 2016, 05:11
Scott Hastings 著者
I added some more spray to the back of the rooster tail with cotton and hairspray and took some new photos
 23 August 2016, 04:26
Stanley Carrier
wow, that really makes it seem real!
 23 August 2016, 16:14

Album info

Bandai's micro scale X wing with silicone water diorama

12 画像


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