U.S.S. Holland 1900 - the first submarine of the US Navy

The figure surely adds interest. Otherwise it would be just a piece of shaped resin. Now you can make out some dimensions. Nice figure by the way.

Hi Hagel; thank you for your comment. The figure is from a Warriors german U-Boot set. I just used the arms from another one which held the binoculars. I chose this figure because of his bobble cap which I saw at real US sailors at some pictures of the Holland.

looks good so far, and interesting subject... first reaction when looking at the parts must have been, why?? or something stronger 😉

Hehe Bart, this was indeed my first thought. Especially after I finished an also "not so good" Airplane from MIRAGE before this project...

Painted the boats black bow color and finished the spotting sailor with acrylics - a tiny job!

Thank you Dave! The Carpenter didn´t kept his promise and moved the date I can pick up the base to next monday. So I can smoothly finish the boat, rigging and the flag this Weekend until I can try to make the resin water for it next week.

looks good... do you intend to cast this one almost completely into clear resin? beware of the heating process when the resin hardens out. Once found an article about a sub, firing some torpedoes, that would also be cast in an underwater scene... failed miserably, the complete sub melted. Don't want to worry you, but it's better to take some precautions...

Hi Bart, thank you for the warning. I´m already aware about the problem of heating during the hardening process. I therefore optained a special industrial epoxy which needs more drying time but do expose less heat (at least this is what the technical sale told me...). I dont need too much amount of epoxy in this project as I want to show the boat surfaced which means no more than 5 cm high layer of epoxy at once. If I will succeed with it I will do another one with my Hasegawa 1:72 Shinkai deep diving research vessel at the sea bottom enclosed within a 10 cm high layer of that same epoxy. Wish me luck 🙂

Gentlemen the construction and paint process is over. Regrettably I didn´t get the Diorama base in time from the Carpenter but he promised me I will receive it monday evening. Until this time the Crew will have time off at the Harbor.

Whow! That was a quick build! If only I had the time/discipline to accomplish that...

Hagel, actually it was a quick build as there were not that much parts with this kit. There is plenty room for improvements and scratchbuilding if one wants; I discovered differences at the real boat at almost every picture I did found in the net. It loks like they changed the boat a lot during its service time. And the kit producer obviously forgot some flood holes at the aft upper hull which I discovered too late for a change.

Gentlemen, it is getting serious now: I prepared my base and the tight outer wall for bring in the epoxy casting. I have to fix the boat during the casting procedure as I will not have time and nerves to hold it in place the whole time until everything is dry and hard. It is my first try with casting resin and I expect an respectable result or the trashbin. Wish me luck...

I did mould the sea with epoxy today. So far it Looks like it worked. Still warm but already hard. Tomorrow I will look how easy/difficult I can remove the side walls. Sorry guys but I still dont have a clue why some of the pics come wrong sided. In my Computer they all look right but when I upload them here some come wrong. Some fellow told me to turn them in another program and safe them again before I upload them but this still didn´t worked...

Released the sidewalls from the mould and started to apply acrylic gel to simulate the ocean Surface. I´m quite satisfied with it

Thank you Spanjaard! I call this project finished now. It was the first time for me to mold resin but it turned out not too difficult if planned properly. It will surely not the last sea diorama I did make as it was a real joy. Thanks again mates for all your encouraging comments. If someone could tell me how I can place Gallery Pictures I would be even more happy

I first thought, how did I miss this, then I noticed you have finished this 2016 🙂
Great job all around on this little one.

Hello Jan, thank you for your comment and yes this is indeed already some years old, one of my first posts here. I tried here to mold a seascape with resin for the first time.
Album info
When I did start the build and had a closer look at the parts which are provided inside the kit I was dissapointet - the hull itself is well casted (well, the bow do show some bubbles but no one will see it later); but the whole small resin parts are of mediocre quality. Many were broken, of bad casting quality or even both. Some numbered parts are not shown at the construction manual if and where they are used. The mast, anchor and anchor chain is not provided at all inside the kit. But hey, if you want to build this specific ship this is the only game in town...
First I wanted to glue on the flood vents. But because of the spoken quality I decided to create my own floodvents out of plastic sheet. Next step is to fill the seams and recesses with putty.
The hatch was molded closed. I didn´t liked it to have closed; I do want to show a crew member lurking out of the hatch to have a Chance to compare the boat sizes to a human being. I did found an appropriate (at least I think it is appropriate) figure for t