スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Matija Lisec (lisec)

F6f-5 Hellcat


22 October 2016, 18:30
That looks fantastic Matija, well done! What scale and what kit is it?
 23 October 2016, 15:19
Matija Lisec 著者
Thanks! It's the Eduard kit, 1/48, Weekend edition
 24 October 2016, 03:58
Ulf Petersen
Great Hellcat, Matija!👍 I especially like that you have chosen a different colour for the exhaust traces.
 24 October 2016, 05:04
Torben Ke
A fantastic model 👍
 24 October 2016, 09:06
Stephan Ryll
very nice Hellcat 👍
 24 October 2016, 10:43
I've done an 1/48 Eduard Weekend Hellcat and yours is much better. It was a very good kit, very enjoyable. Could you please tell me what you used for the antenna wire?
 24 October 2016, 12:34
Matija Lisec 著者
Thank you for the kind comments
As for the wire, i use a black rubber sprue that comes with with polycap parts in some kits then just strech it over the flame. Easily tightens with a little bit of heat
 24 October 2016, 13:50

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