スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Robert W Martel (bobster)

Signifer Grumman Goose JRF-5


11 6 November 2016, 07:19
Erik Leijdens
Looking great Robert! Have this kit in the stash as well, a very beautiful detailed kit. Only downside of your model; the US roundels on the wings are upside down..
 7 November 2016, 07:27
Robert W Martel 著者
OH! You're right Erik. the single point should be forward. I didn't notice.... I must have been looking at it upsidedown...lol. You gotta give an old guy a break! lol Well, they're just gonna have to stay that way....I won't say anything!
 7 November 2016, 17:44
Erik Leijdens
Still a beautiful Goose Robert! WIll look at yours when I start mine 🙂
 7 November 2016, 19:07
Robert W Martel 著者
Thanks James, it was a PITA. Makes me cringe about some other kits I have w/resin parts. But, I've looked at them and the resin looks to be better quality. Like the Encore Models_F-102A Delta Dagger, that resin looks much better. I think the Signifer resin is just poor quality.
Eric, if you're doing the Signifer....be prepared...its no "shake & bake" kit !! It does have nice detail to
 7 November 2016, 19:53
Erik Leijdens
Have it in the stash for a couple of years now Robert, still waiting for the day when I have the balls and skills to start it😄. Just checked my kit and luckily no broken resin pieces.
 7 November 2016, 21:26
Robert W Martel 著者
That's a good thing Erik. Mine must have gotten tossed around a lot, it had tons of pieces in the bags!
 8 November 2016, 01:02
Landlubber Mike
I'm coming in late on this one Robert, but you did a great job! I'm thinking about starting mine but a bit nervous looking at your pics and learning about the quality 🙁
 17 August 2023, 17:02
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful job and fantastic details, congrats!
 17 August 2023, 17:50
Robert W Martel 著者
Thanks Pietro!
Landlubber, The worst part was the interior, it just didn't fit! It was a lot of work, but worth it in the end.
 18 August 2023, 15:22
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work!
 18 August 2023, 16:12

Project info

59 画像
1:48 Grumman "Goose" JRF-5 (Signifer SIG 48001)


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