DAK Opel Blitz
26 November 2016, 11:45

Just tried to get some wood and rust effects. Wondering what IT will look like once DAK camouflage has been added
27 November 2016, 19:27

Nice work Xerxes! Wow , how beatup a truck can be! Love it! 🙂
11 December 2016, 20:33

thx fpr your encouraging comments 🙂
currently working on the load with barrels and fuel and water cans
12 December 2016, 13:02

I see, you've done an Opel Blitz as well. Very nice job!👍 The worn improvised desert paint looks very convincing. Are you going for a base/dio now?
12 December 2016, 13:25

at the moment not sure if i will go for a dio. Maybe - just bought a new book for dios.... but have no good idea yet. maybe something in combination with a DAK Tiger...
15 December 2016, 20:56