M47 Patton Tank
12 7 February 2017, 21:13

I've not done armour before and this model is horrible, so a good opportunity to play. My son loves it so all good. Built and weathering started.
7 February 2017, 21:19

Thank you. Trying "rust" for the first time. Mud too. The mud is dirt from the backyard mixture with pva glue and Klear polish.
7 February 2017, 21:42

and you used some satin cote for washes etc, maybe you need to do a dull cote. or maybe it is just the pictures. but it looka a bit to shiny for a tank😉 mud looks good. i have never done rust, but yours looks good, specially for a first attempt. chipping fluid or hair spray?
7 February 2017, 22:03

Thanks Lee. Next step is another clear coat and a little more weathering before I matt finish the whole thing.
8 February 2017, 03:14

It looks even better in those new photos - I certainly got a WOW from me.
16 February 2017, 18:10

Matt finish put on. A few things to sort, but that will have to wait as everything is being packed away for the big move in March.
16 February 2017, 18:10

Are you moving somewhere else in Canada Gareth, are you coming back to blighty?
16 February 2017, 18:28

Thanks guys. Gordy, I'm moving within Canada. We've been renting this last year and moving into our new home in three weeks. Hopefully I'll get a work space rather than work literally out of the box.
16 February 2017, 19:05

I wish you well in your new home Gareth. It would be interesting to see your new workspace when you around to setting it up.
17 February 2017, 15:37

Hey Gareth, i have missed this build! A bit too rusty for me but the overall finish looks good!👍
17 February 2017, 16:25

Thanks. Yes Gorby (sorry, Canadian auto correct had you as Gordy earlier), I hope I will have a work space that's worth posting up.
And Holger, I did go heavy with the rust, but it was fun to play and learn the technique. My son wants another tank now, clearly he has not see my model stash (pretty much all aircraft) or talked to my wife (apparently I'm not to buy any more models...... lol)
17 February 2017, 17:59

Thanks again all. My son pointed out I hadn't put a picture up with the engine panels open so here they are.
19 February 2017, 17:02

You took an old kit and made it shine with modern techniques. Unless one plans on doing quite a bit of serious correction work, you have probably done all that can be done with this beast. Bravo!
19 December 2020, 16:33
Album info
My son wanted this tank. It's awful, but I'm having a good go and he loves it.