RF-4E/F Phantom II
17 May 2017, 22:05

Spanjaard, Thanks not the best kit, it looks like is going to be a long build 😭
18 May 2017, 15:06

This looks like you have a good start on fixing the things you have found... so far 😉 Remember each part you finish means you are one step closer to completing the model.
19 May 2017, 04:29

Thanks Steve, it is very frustrating at times, I move on, to the next step because i get frustrated with one part, to then go back trying to fix again that part, i fill like i do two steps forward and four back.
In retrospective, the Hasegawa Mig 25 it is a bad kit from a good manufacture, It is miles better than a bad kit from a mediocre manufacture.
19 May 2017, 06:48

Antonio, But even a kit such as this gives you exercise (all that stepping back and forth) see? so some good comes out of this "adventure" after all. 🙂
Keep at it you will win out in the end 👍
19 May 2017, 20:26

I was thinking about this one, nice to see the problem areas. You are doing a good job of correcting them. It is looking nice.
19 May 2017, 21:06

Be aware that the parts in picture 13 will have to be cut in order to be installed in the open position.
19 May 2017, 21:33

Steve you are right, the learning curve is very steep on this kit that and learning and rethinking how and when you use your tools helps,I am just concern that it might kill my mojo, and goes on the not completed list ( at the present i have 2 kit in that list) that is something that i don't like at all . Thanks for your of words encouragement.
20 May 2017, 11:25

Clifford thanks, i thing when i will join the fuselage i will get a better picture of this kit.
20 May 2017, 11:26

Thanks Patrick I kept it together until i place it on the landing gear i lost so many parts 🙂
20 May 2017, 11:28

How do you like the Mr. Paint products? Do they spray well?
16 September 2017, 18:59

Hi Patrick, yes they spray really well for me and, i used the the AK metal all really like them.
18 September 2017, 09:30

Good to know! I have the special orange mixture for my F-16AM but haven't used them yet. What do you use to clean your airbrush?
18 September 2017, 17:33

You guys in Europe sure do have access to a nice wide selection of paints, that we can't seem to find here, or at least I haven't been able to.
19 September 2017, 01:06

Well Clifford, for the moment I live in Oklahoma for my work. I just ordered the paint directly through Mr. Paint. It arrived just a week later and the shippibg costs were very low. Just give it a try!
19 September 2017, 11:31

Hi Clifford, Patrick is right the shipping is not bad, Patrick what you can use is cellulose thinner or you can use Mr Color thinner ( a bit expensive to use for cleaning but it works)
19 September 2017, 20:55

No Problem Clifford, i am really happy how they spray, also they released the water base version, i will have a go myself when i place my next order
21 September 2017, 09:24