ForestFanExcellent! How was the build?
19 June 2017, 20:13
19 June 2017, 20:32
Spanjaardbeautiful well done!
19 June 2017, 20:50
Emre Tüzün 著者Thanks for the comments folks...
20 June 2017, 17:56
Emre Tüzün 著者ForestFan;the build was nice and easy apart from the canopy. It did not fit perfectly and gave me some headaches. Other than that all OK...
20 June 2017, 17:57
EkkiI remember the canopy problem.
You solved it excellently. 👍
20 June 2017, 18:12
Emre Tüzün 著者Thanks Ekki&Urban....
20 June 2017, 19:28
Emre Tüzün 著者Thank you Cliff&Chris...
1 July 2017, 07:37
Emre Tüzün 著者Stephan&Roberto; thank you...
3 July 2017, 18:50