Rui SNice progress EnsignExpendabl 👍
As to the wheels it's a tank, so...😢
19 July 2017, 23:58
Rui SAnd you did the right thing, hehehe😉
Nice progress EnsignExpendabl 👍
22 July 2017, 18:40
Rui SThe turret weathering is looking great 👍
30 July 2017, 12:24
C Marques de SáLooks very nice! Is that a commons british desert camouflage?
30 July 2017, 15:56
EnsignExpendabl 著者Thank you! Markus and Rui!
I've seen the camo scheme on pictures of other British tanks, but not the Crusader. I messed up the edge of one of the brown spots, which inspired me to try it out.
30 July 2017, 17:57