Mig-21 PF Vietnam
6 August 2017, 16:00

Just started this kit a few day´s ago
the fit so far is very good
I started with the assembly of the cockpit parts - the printed PE parts are very nice, but it is was hard to me to match the correct color to them
6 August 2017, 16:06

Gotta follow this! I have heard great things about this kit, but have not yet built one. So I'm eager to follow your progress. Looks great so far!!!
6 August 2017, 17:26

Ah the work on the Blue Maxs opponent starts now 👍
Well time to get a good place in the first row 🙂
6 August 2017, 18:27

You´re welcome Michael and Christian 🙂
compared to the F-4 or the F-105 this is a real small bird
some small progress yesterday finished the nose cone and started with the resin seat (not included)
7 August 2017, 09:10

Looking very awesome Stephan. I have several Eduard mig 21's also but have not built any of them. I'll be watching this one.
9 August 2017, 20:20

Thank you Clifford 🙂 you´re always welcome
next to do glue the cockpit and ad some extra weight to the nose cone - otherwise it will be a nice tailsitter
10 August 2017, 15:45

Your welcome Sören, take a seat 🙂 - till now everything came together nicely
the only thing I came across was, that there is a little gap between the wings and the fuselage
but that I will overcome by stretching the fuselage a little bit - so I think 🙂
10 August 2017, 17:53

Very good start Stephan, cockpit looks great ! A nmf Fishbed, that will be a beauty !
10 August 2017, 19:26

Thank you Hanno 🙂
Yes it will be NMF but I´m not shure if it will be a shiny one ore a more matt one as my reference is...
I will decide later.... 🙂
yesterday I glued the lower wings to the hull - today I will glue the upper wings - hope the gap will be as small as tested...
11 August 2017, 14:21

Thank you Clifford - Till now it's a pleasure to build that kit 🙂
@Walamma - the pilot figure is from PJ Production 481120 - they have a range of very nice figures
12 August 2017, 07:16

Hello Stephan, Brassin is doing quite well at the MiG 👍
With the inner colors of the Eduard PE parts, I had so my worries, in the end I have the model master a bit mixed.
Like the color fastness of the AKAN colors is, I unfortunately not, without Eduard PE have the but probably the best notes get
12 August 2017, 12:52

Thank you Jens,
I agree the pre painted PE parts sometimes have strang colors 🙂
Manchmal ist die Farbgebung der PE Teile ein wenig fragwürdig - aber Farbe ist ja auch nur ein Sinneseindruck. Ich bin immer froh wenn ich die Farbe so einigermaßen hinbekomme 🙂
12 August 2017, 18:11

Thank you Christian 🙂 ,
tomorrow I will ad the first layer of metal paint
13 August 2017, 17:38

Thank you Hanno 🙂 that motivates me for the next step - highlighting and darkening some panels - what a hell of a masking job :-D
14 August 2017, 17:03

Really good looking Stephan, what metal paint did you used? Can't find it in the project and the comments.
16 August 2017, 20:29

Great job so far! I also am curious as to the paint you are using. I use Alclad and Metalizers. The Eduard kit I have is the R version. My PF is a good old Revell kit.
What I have noticed looking pics of Russian cockpits is they very often have varying shades of the color, even on newer planes and especially with that green they use. I dont believe they have really strict quality control on that aspect.
16 August 2017, 20:58

Thank you Erik and Donald 🙂
Here now the answers to your questions
Primer - Vallejo 77.660 Black Glossy Primer
First Metal paint - Vallejo 77.702 Duraluminium
Second Metal paint - lighter areas - Vallejo 77.701 Aluminium
Exhaust - Vallejo 77.712 Steel
Exhaust - outer area - Vallejo 77.713 Jet exhaust
Hope that helps
17 August 2017, 15:43

It seems to me, that you didn't had any problem masking the Vallejo metal paint! No paint came off?! Do you use Tamiya masking tape?
Very nice and shiny paintwork 👍
17 August 2017, 16:22

Thank you James and Christian 🙂
@ Christian - yes I use Tamiya masking tape but this time for the bigger surfaces I used Maskol.
I also used some fine sanding paper and cleaned the whole surfaces with alcohol before I used the first thin layer of primer. Normally I let it dry for 30 minutes - then I spray a second bigger layer
There was only a very small part were some paint came off - but that´s were I was to fast in demasking and it will hopefully 🤔 look like an battle damage repair when it´s finished
17 August 2017, 17:23

I made some test paintings with Vallejo metal colour and I was pleased with the final result. Masking was a bit a problem because the paint isn't that adherent as Alclad for example.
Damsking should be done very carefully of course. I decrease the adhesion of the tape before I apply it.
If still some paint comes off, than a second layer will cover the spot without leaving any visible mark.
IMHO this is a very nice metal paint.
17 August 2017, 18:22

I agree with you Christian 🙂 , you have to stay calm when you demask the color, but as you said the result is realy great. And not to forget it's water based paint - no solvents! My wife is happy about that 😄
17 August 2017, 19:13

Decals ar on 🙂 - I only used some of the stencils - could not find any reference with more than that
next step is to add the small green paint parts on the fin and the fuselage
19 August 2017, 10:44

What a glossy shiny wonderful painted Beauty! Great Job Stephan!😄
19 August 2017, 10:51

Thank you very much Holger - much appreciated - it' in deed a very shiny beauty 🙂
19 August 2017, 11:25

Moin Stephan , bei den Vietnamesen waren die Grünflächen oft lackiert, das hatte Klima Gründe, im Museeum der Volksbefreiung in Vietnam ist eine Original MF ausgestellt, alles lackiert.
19 August 2017, 11:36

Moin Jens,
das mit der Klimaversion für Vietnam habe ich auch gelesen. Meine Referenzbilder der Maschine sind sich nicht so einig - mal so mal so - den Radom hab ich jetzt schon Grün, dann bekommt die Finne auf der Unterseite auch was Grün... und dann hat es sich mit der Farbe.
19 August 2017, 11:50

je nach Lieferstatus , frisch aus Russland waren die Grünen Lackierungen noch vorhanden , da aber recht bald Neulackiert wurde , ist die Mischung ziemlich Bunt
19 August 2017, 11:59

Genau Jens, wenn z.B. Ersatzteile angebaut wurden war auch wieder Grün im Spiel - ich nenn das mal künstlerische Freiheit 😉
next step will be panelines and washing - I think I will do that tomorrow 🙂
19 August 2017, 12:16

Thank you very much James 🙂 to be honest I'm realy in love with that build 😄
19 August 2017, 20:17

MAN does that look sharp with the decals on! You are knocking this build outta the park!
19 August 2017, 20:27

Thank you very much Michael, David and Donald 🙂 today I will do the panellines and some weathering
20 August 2017, 07:22

Great progress Stephan.
She looks awesome with the decals now on it. 🙂
20 August 2017, 07:36

Thank you Florent and Christian 🙂
@ Florent ... for me it´s the same .. I see a nice build and that raises the demand for it 🙂
Just did the panellines, a little wash and added the pitot tube from master model, cause the one that came with the kit was twisted for some reason or a mishap of me 😉
20 August 2017, 09:06

Finally got "her" on her wheels 👍
but still some small parts left to to, like the pylons and the tank etc.
hope you like "her" 🙂
26 August 2017, 08:18

I got this kit for the Nam colours too 🙂
Nice work thus far, looking forward to the heavy dirty weathering stage😉 hint 😄
26 August 2017, 08:57

Thank you Florent and Choppa much appreciated 🙂
@ Choppa this one is looking so nice in "her" dress that I´m not shure to give "her" an ugly look 😉
26 August 2017, 09:08

All parts done except a small part that I found on the floor after I did. the pictures 🤔
26 August 2017, 15:13

Hey Stephan - great Fishbed in NMF. we are making almost the same thing!
26 August 2017, 16:19

Always a pleasure seeing a mig-21 being built. Nice work! About the metallic hue, i would go to a more light and dull color. Like white aluminum from ALCLAD.
26 August 2017, 17:45

Thank you both Danumurthi and Aris your comments and advises are much appreciated
I know there is some trouble around the colors but My reference looks like mine even it's a black and white picture 🙂
26 August 2017, 20:57

As requested and advised and after a deep look into my reference book which is printed on high glossy paper - here comes the more dull version of the Mig 🙂
hope you like it
27 August 2017, 10:10

Thank you Christian🙂 , your comment is much appreciated
added a little base plate
27 August 2017, 13:44

Finaly everything is done 🙂
A very nice kit and a straight forward build without any issues
27 August 2017, 18:06

Looks great! Just the right amount of dirt I think. Choppa seems to have an almost manic fascination with dirty girls.😉
I have a Czech pin up kit that I may do next. Naked ladies on a MiG. Gotta love that!
27 August 2017, 19:05

Thank you Hanno, Choppa, Jens and Donald 🙂 glad that you like it
@Choppa I do 😄
27 August 2017, 19:34

Thank you James, Donald and David 🙂
That motivates me for my next project
28 August 2017, 18:14

I hate to say this, lovely as this build is 🙂
the right hand elevator looks bent upward, quite a bit more than the left one ....
sorry . . .
great build though and lovely finish 😄
28 August 2017, 21:03

The final product is indeed great. Love how it turned out. But Choppa beat me to the punch there. Dont feel bad, he did the same thing to the wing tips on my F-4.
29 August 2017, 03:24

Thank you all 🙂 your always welcome
I will take a look at that this evening
29 August 2017, 04:43

You were right Choppa and Donald 🙂 - I fixed it - thank you for telling me
I love this community!
29 August 2017, 18:24

Yeah baby ! 😄
looks much better now Stephan !! 😄
Sorry Don, I also did the same thing to Greg too on his Mehve, sorry Greg .. 🙂
29 August 2017, 21:17

Choppa my friend, I appreciate it when someone points out my extreme blonde moments for me. I just like to bitch about it after.😉
Stephan, I know right? Most folks around here are constructive and nice when they point out stuff like that.
29 August 2017, 22:35

Thank you gents you're always welcome 🙂
And now I have to start my next Mig-21 😄
30 August 2017, 14:59
Album info
Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam (Vietnam People's Air Force)
921 Fighter Reg. 4326