スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Rafael Salazar (RSK48)

OV-10E Bronco, Venezuela Air Force (FAV) = Scratch building


4 September 2017, 04:09
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, that looks promising, i'll have a seat!

btw 1:48) looks like an interesting scale 😄
 4 September 2017, 08:41
Bart Goesaert
Nice work so far.. will you also change the distance between the booms?
 4 September 2017, 11:05
Rafael Salazar 著者
Thank you Alex and Bart, still a lot of scratch coming
 4 September 2017, 20:28
Bart Goesaert
Looking good so far
 5 September 2017, 04:15
Bart Goesaert
Your scratched cockpit looks awesome
 5 September 2017, 04:17
Rafael Salazar 著者
Thank you Alex, you can see more progress pictures in the album (10 more photos added)
 6 September 2017, 21:13
Alexander Grivonev
That plane was equipped with sidewinders?? Wow, almost like something out of a comic book 😄
 7 September 2017, 08:37
 7 September 2017, 08:51
Rafael Salazar 著者
Thank you Gerald and Alexander for you comments, it was very comun the use of AIM9B sidewinders by USA Marine Force Broncos OV-10A, during the Vietnam war, also it was frecuently use in OV-10D . You can see some pictures in my next album.
 9 September 2017, 01:54

Album info

Pictures of scratchbuilding for Testor Model (1:48) cockpit, ejection seats, wheel bays and others.

67 画像
1:48 OV-10A Bronco (Testors 506)


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