RNLAF AH-64D Apache
1 6 September 2017, 17:43

That looks fantastic! How does the Italeri Apache build up? Looks like it has some really nice detail.
6 September 2017, 17:55

Looking very good Xander! Watching with great interest😎 I just started building the hasegawa kit
6 September 2017, 19:00

The italery kit is quite okay! Some fit issues. The most challenging will be creating the 2 AMASE pods from scratch. Not yet known how to make them....
7 September 2017, 18:39

Started with scratch building the AMASE pods... I hope it will work..
19 September 2017, 20:13

Finished! Not 100% happy how it turned out.... but good enough.
12 October 2017, 19:23
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