WIP McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2
8 November 2017, 12:00

Last Sunday we had rain, hail, wind, real autumn conditions, perfect to start a new project. The old but still very good 72nd scale Fujimi Phantom FGR.2 was on top of my building pile so out with the tools and go! All parts were prepared and some major subassemblies fixed together. Fuselage halves received some paint and extra (fictious) detail to add interest. The cockpit tub and bang seats were assembled and painted as well, straight from the box, very good for this scale! A quick dry fit of fuselage halves and wings looked promising, but that's for next time...
8 November 2017, 13:35

🤔 Who wingfold ? 🤔 What wingfold ? 🤔 Where wingfold ? 🤔 What dou you mean wingfold ? 🤔
8 November 2017, 19:04

Here we go again, the fuselage halves are joined together permanently, nice fit, me happy, but first we opened up the holes in the tailfin to fit the ILS antenna afterwards. Next came the wings, not a bad fit either! This is certainly no putty monster. The canopy was dry fitted and it looks like it wil pose no problems. Slowly but steadily it starts to look like a Spook. So far so good. See you next time!
21 November 2017, 07:53

The Spook is back! After a short break due to our show and a cleaning session of the man cave, we returned to the workbench (that's what it's all about eh?). The inside of the air intakes got painted and assembled afterwards. The ILS antenna was fixed in place, putty'd and sanded. The canopy was glued in place permanently and masked with a Q-M-T masking set and some Tamiya tape, followed by an airbrushed coat with the interior color. Then we turned the whole lot on his back and placed it on a selfmade jig from Nogi Lego and some sausages of Blu-Tack to secure and protect the model. The undercarriage was fixed in place so the Spook stands proud and firmly on his feet, wheels excluded. Some LifeColor LC60 Dark Blue was airbrushed on the tailfin and left to dry. That's it for today folks, bye!
22 December 2017, 12:00

Looks great! I like the blue. Lifecolor you say. What do you use to dilute the paint?
22 December 2017, 17:07

In this case, Lifecolors own Acrylic Thinner, when I use Tamiya or Gunze, I use Mr Leveling Thinner
22 December 2017, 17:14

After the paint job on the tail fin we positioned the model belly side up and sprayed the belly with Gunze H332 Light Aircraft Grey with some random brighter spots to bring the surface to life. Next a "pleasant" masking session to mask the wheelbays/undercarriage and sprayed them white. Then attention turned to the top side. The lower parts were masked and protected and radome and upper wings were coated with Gunze H335 Medium Sea Grey. Once dry, again some masking and fuselage and outer upper wings were treated with Barley Grey, I used Gunze H334 in this case. Next job will be the lower aft part of the fuselage (bare metal) but that's for next time, got a little fed up from all that masking ...
12 February 2018, 14:15

Thx Łukasz & Spanjaard 🙂 No worries Mates, there are still seats available, and lots of work ahead ... 🙂
13 February 2018, 18:22

Hi Mates, more pics added. Lower aft part of the fuselage was sprayed with Alclad II, more masking then spraying but it needs to be done right? Then a little weathering with Tamiya Smoke and Alclad II Jet Exhaust was done. Now it was decal time, and a Phantom needs TIME. I like applying decals but all those stencils *#!%@#*!. Oh well, we persevered and finally finished that job. Now work starts on the fuel tanks, missiles, gun pod and wheels, then an overall coat of gloss varnish and move on to the weathering stage!
16 March 2018, 16:02

Hello Mates, 2 more pics added. I've had a slight decal mishap 🙁 . During weathering works, part of the upper left wing arrow decal loosened and totaly disintegrated meh! After a night bitching and whining I tackled the problem. Not 100% satisfied but after some weathering it will be ok to me. And I doubt the real example would look like a showroom model either ...😉
20 May 2018, 19:48

Oh and, if someone on this planet and surroundings have colour pics of this particular Spook wearing this scheme, you could make me very happy 😄
20 May 2018, 19:58

2 more pics added. Weathering finished! (me happy, it's one of my pet hates) Fuel tanks, missiles and gun pod are ready as well. Now all it needs is a coat of semi-gloss varnish, some assembly works, and the Phantom Phroject is on short final!
22 June 2018, 14:33