Revell F-15C EAGLE
8 21 November 2017, 16:07

So the decals are an upgrade for this kit, but it's still the original 1970's moulding. Having a few issues. The detail is a little random too. Raised panel lines are ok and plenty of them for surface detail, quite nice cockpit and pilot, but ejection seat and intakes are bad. Lots of dipping in the moulding and flash too. Sanding stick is working hard.
7 December 2017, 15:41

I'm not entirely enjoying this model. It's very dated now. If I were 12 and throwing it on my ceiling there'd be no issues. But the nose cone, cockpit section, wings and a few other parts do not fit well. No compressor blade detail in the intakes. I'm going to finish it as it's going in my son's room and the decals look great.
19 December 2017, 16:51

I have this one also. Nice to hear about the fit issues. Maybe I will snag the Taymia kit and use the decals for it.
20 December 2017, 04:29

I also have this one sitting in the wings. I dont believe I have an extra C sitting around though. And I wasnt terribly impressed with the old Tamiya kit either. Had to get upgrades for it. Might as well see if there are some for this kit.
20 December 2017, 06:31

I bought the Hasegawa C model PE set for this one. I was not relly impressed with the Tamiya C either, but mine turned out nice. I have never looked at the Academy one. No way can I afford the Lion Roar kit.
21 December 2017, 02:38

I managed to get the Tamiya kit looking decent. F-15C Tamiya | Album by smokeriderdon (1:48) Gareth seems to be wrestling this one into shape. I may just try as well.
21 December 2017, 03:56

It looks great. I did mine in the STL Cardinal commerative scheme.
21 December 2017, 23:09

Black basing on this (great tutorial on Doogs Models, YouTube). I used to black base my warhammer figures back in the day, so I know it should work, just never tried it on a model like this before.
1 March 2018, 18:44

Thanks guys for the kind encouragement. I started the marbling layer, but I really don't have the airbrush and compressor set up right. Took me a lot longer than the YouTube tutorial said it would.
2 March 2018, 20:35

I was going to mask it up to paint, but then I thought I would practice freehand. Not too bad. I think I'll mask it up next time though. Next is the jet exhaust and metal plates.
4 May 2018, 00:58

Looking good Gareth. That kit will be my next project after the Tomcat,
4 May 2018, 01:24

It's not what some might consider a great kit, but she's quite a size and the Eagle is a fabulous looking plane anyway. Oooo, I like a good Tomcat, I'll pop over to take a look.
4 May 2018, 02:04

I didn't have the right light grey so I mixed some light ghost grey surface primer & a little USAF medium grey. Dark grey is Vallejo's intermediate blue (FS36176).
5 May 2018, 04:21

The Blue is the colour Revell tell you to use but it maybe a little too dark. Reference pictures actually didn't help as the paint finish looks different in different light. I could give her a light dusting of Ghost grey just to lighten things up. I can't make her too weathered either as the real plane was airshow sparkly.
5 May 2018, 04:26

I think the F-15C's were painted in Light Compass Grey and a medium blueish gray. I think maybe I will try Compass Gray and RLM 75 it is a blue gray, it is what I used on my 1/32 F-104 and it came out looking right.
5 May 2018, 23:38
A few references
6 May 2018, 00:39

Thanks Donald. The colour reference was right for what I used (the FS36176 anyway). I've got a Super Hornet to build so I've got to get some more greys.
6 May 2018, 03:21

Greta looking paint, Gareth! The Eagle is a good looking plane, hard to believe its over 45 years old!
30 May 2018, 12:00

Thanks Gordon. I watched a documentary on YouTube about the F-15 and McDonnell Douglas were not expecting it to perform as well as it did at the time.
30 May 2018, 12:26

Yep that looks really great! The decals come out really nice! Great paint job too👍!
30 May 2018, 18:59

Thanks all. I think my son will be quite happy once this get hung up on his ceiling.
31 May 2018, 16:35

Clifford, of this kit or 3 F-15s in general? Because I have a good 7 or 8 15s at least.
3 June 2018, 05:18

Three of that kit. One will be done in the kit markings, Then I have markings for one from Eglin, one from Tyndall (My Home Town, was born there.) And a set for Langley (Son was stationed there) Those I will use on the Tamiya F-15. I als have several F-15E's.
4 June 2018, 22:01

Alright already! You convinced me! I should pull this one out and work onto my bench! LOL
Looking very nice!
28 June 2018, 00:24

Just don't get frustrated with it Donald. It's an old kit with some issues, it's not going to fit together as well as your Lighting (which looks great by the way).
28 June 2018, 02:04

Thanks for the warning. 🙂 AND the compliment. 🙂
I dont expect it to be as good as their E kit. But it shouldnt be too bad.
28 June 2018, 03:10

AH schuks now I have to go and buy more grey paint, I have the wrong color greys.
1 July 2018, 01:27

Overall it looks good in the end. I have this kit as well. I thank you for the intel on the fit issues. Looks like an aftermarket seat and fod covers are in order.
3 July 2018, 11:18

FS 36251 (USAF medium grey) as the base Clifford. If you look back at the comments Donald put some links up to some great references. And yes Bryn with some FOD shields and maybe a little scratch building on the undercarriage, it'd look great. This one is for the kids ceiling, I'll try to finish it before I have to pack up for the house move coming soon.
5 July 2018, 00:11

Haven't totally pack yet, so time for Flory Model's weather wash.
25 July 2018, 02:15

It's an hour and a half drive to the worksite, so I decided to bring the Eagle along to rub down the weather wash. Knocked an aerial off. Hopefully I'll find it once we stop
25 July 2018, 12:30

Even with that old mould and the misalignment issues you're having, this looks like a splendid build! I'll bet it gives your son something to show off to his friends. 👍
25 July 2018, 18:32

Thanks again guys. I found the aerial.....yeay. As this is going on the kids ceiling, I'm thinking about using pipe cleaners to have the sidewinder firing off the rail.
26 July 2018, 04:21

Use a length of wire wrapping wire and pull a cotton ball or two apart to make smoke with.
26 July 2018, 23:10

Thanks Donald, I'll give that a try. I remember as a kid pipe cleaners were fluffy (well, they were in the UK). All I could find here were hairy spiral things, so cotton balls it shall be
27 July 2018, 03:46

Yeah, the hairy spiral things are all I have ever seen. Hence my suggestion. LOL
27 July 2018, 04:04

Good idea. I am going to have to start building some of mine "wheels up" as I am running out of display space. Maybe I should try hanging up my B-29, B-52, and B-70. LOL. Can't hang my "Bone" up as it has everything hanging out.
30 July 2018, 20:50

Lol. Those are some big planes Clifford! They must take up some space. I like "wheels up" as it puts a little action in the aircraft, and it does solve the issue of where to put it once it's finished.
31 July 2018, 10:30

Did you also open the window and pretend to fly the plane?
I'd be tempted 🙂
7 August 2018, 17:43

The thought did cross my mind Alex, but no. I think at some point during all my aircraft builds I hold them up and make a plane noise and imagine them shooting across the sky in front of me.
7 August 2018, 19:12

Or get at eye level with them on that tabletop taxi track and imagine it coming right at you with that high pitched jet whistle.
7 August 2018, 21:58

Lol. Or the look on your wife's face when she finds out you've stolen her hairdryer as you point it at the prop on your model, as you switch it on shout "CONTACT".
8 August 2018, 01:09

That would be a good one. Then my wife would know for sure that I had gone"around the bend." LOL.
8 August 2018, 19:55

Beautiful job, next best thing to seeing that in real life, probably better as wouldn't get to see that exquisite top view in as well on the 1:1 . Thanks
8 August 2018, 20:57

Thanks James. First time I've tried the firing missile. I think my son will love it.
10 August 2018, 18:54

Calling her done. I'll get another picture once she's on the ceiling.
10 August 2018, 18:55

Hell Yeah! What a nice idea!! Like it mate👍. And your son will love it!!
10 August 2018, 19:42

Now THAT is really cool! Well done man... Your son will most certainly love this!
10 August 2018, 19:56

Great job Gareth...pretty cool touch of that launching sidewinder in flight!
11 August 2018, 08:06

Thanks all. I got the "wow, cool" from my son which made it all worth while. Once again I look back at how I was making models a few years ago and how they look now. It has a lot to do with members here. Inspiration, advice and encouragement.
13 August 2018, 01:28

"I got the "wow, cool" from my son"
And there ya go. Thats the ONLY comment that matters. 🙂
13 August 2018, 05:43

I have 2 of them. They were in the bottom of the pile in my closet. LOL.
9 August 2019, 21:51

It came out really got for such a beast of a kit. Well done mate! And thumbs up for getting the wow cool comment from you son. The only thing that matters!
9 August 2019, 22:24

Very cool F-15 Gareth, I like it a lot.@ Donald, I know it is. I will get to it after the Tom Kitty. LOL.
22 August 2020, 01:49

Gareth, what colors did you use. Is the darker gray the new F-15 Gray or Dark Ghost gray?
23 August 2020, 03:17

Thank you everyone. Clifford, the dark grey is Vallejo intermediate blue.
27 August 2020, 16:51
Album info
I did it again. Drawn in by the price tag. When will I learn, you get what you pay for. This was $16 US. Original 1970's mould, fit issues and flash from the get go, but it's going to look impressive on my son's ceiling.