1 3 January 2018, 20:31

Aaah! I want one, it's too large! I want one, it's too large! I want one, it's too large!
Just enjoy this build then. Very well done 👍
3 January 2018, 20:55

very nicely done. i guess the tiger in the tail is a decal, and the rest? freehand airbrush? it looks really good.
3 January 2018, 21:51

Thanks,the tigerstripes are decals,only the grey color underneath is painted on.This kit has a very good decal sheet(and very big!).Luckily they go on very well but i used a lot of set and sol.
4 January 2018, 11:24

wow! excellent job on those decals! lots of set and sol is probably an understatement 🙂
4 January 2018, 11:28

thanks,indeed an understatement,i was lucky the decals are very good quality stuff.
10 January 2018, 09:22

@Martin, didn't Revell release this one in 1:72? Nice work on this beauty
10 January 2018, 10:28

Thanks,yes the Revell kit is also pretty nice,but i like this bigger version more.
10 January 2018, 11:19