スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Christian (Styrolschnitzer)

What the f**k ist that? :D


1 7 July 2018, 12:45
Christian 著者
I put this P-51 just for fun in the dress of a Bf-109 from Galland. Painted with vallejo and the decals are restparts. The wash is made with colors from a schoolpaint box.
 7 July 2018, 12:54
Martin Oostrom
Just grand.
 7 July 2018, 13:49
Christian 著者
 7 July 2018, 18:40
Hello Christian, I thought first, I would have squandered in the scale, respect, built for a model of 72 really stunning clean and convincing 👍 👍 👍
 7 July 2018, 18:50
Christian 著者
Thank you! This is a Tamiya kit, everything fits perfect and it does fun.
I originally had a P-51B from Master Craft for this project, which was a very bad short run kit. He landed in the bin ... 😄
 7 July 2018, 19:32
Christian 著者
added new pictures
 21 September 2018, 06:19
Interesting idea. Nicely done. You miss the smily in a couple of pictures😉
 21 September 2018, 07:00
Michael Hickey
Galland would have been pleased to have a few of these under his control.😢 At first I thought it was 1/48 until Jens said it was 1/72, really impressive.👍
 21 September 2018, 07:06
Christian 著者
Thanks alot! Yes it is really 1:72, as a reference, I photographed the bird on the paint turntable.

Thanks for your hint Spanjaard, i've corrected it.😉
 21 September 2018, 09:13
 21 September 2018, 16:18

Project info

15 画像
1:72 North American P-51D Mustang (Tamiya 60749)


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