スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Scott Higginbotham (Higgscott)

F-4J Phantom II VF-114


20 1 August 2018, 23:17
Nice work on this Phantom
 2 August 2018, 03:28
Great job. I like it.
 2 August 2018, 13:40
Patrick Hagelstein
 2 August 2018, 13:45
Patrick Hagelstein
What decals did you use and how did you build that refueling probe?
 2 August 2018, 13:48
Konrad -
Just awesome!!
 2 August 2018, 16:28
soheil moghisi
Very nice
 2 August 2018, 16:43
Christian Bruer
Phantastic Phantom 👍
 2 August 2018, 17:14
Nice scheme. Very good painting work. Congrats!
 2 August 2018, 17:47
Bryn Crandell
Great looking Phantom!
 2 August 2018, 19:05
Scott Higginbotham 著者
Thanks. The decals used were from Superscale #72-111 "CAG & CAN Phantoms". From memory the refuelling probe itself was a spare from a PP Aeroparts detail set (I could be wrong about that, but it's definitely white metal) and I scratch-built the cover door and extending arm bit of it from Evergreen styrene.
 3 August 2018, 09:23
Patrick Hagelstein
Thanks! I tried to find that PP Aeroparts set all over the world but it is out of production. Ordered the new CMK one but haven't tried it yet.
 3 August 2018, 11:43
John Thomas
Nice work
 3 August 2018, 12:16
Scott Higginbotham 著者
PP Aeroparts were taken over and rebranded as Flightpath Models and can be found (randomly) at the website David J Parkins (djparkins.com) among the other brands they produce. All the old PP Aeroparts sets I can remember from years ago appear to be there. I can't wait to get my hands in the Tornado GR.1 detail set but I need to finish something first!
 5 August 2018, 17:50
Soeren R.
Nice work!
 5 August 2018, 17:52
Patrick Hagelstein
Thanks! I know Flightpath but didn't know they took over the PP Aeroparts sets.
 5 August 2018, 19:43
Scott Higginbotham 著者
I didn't either but a good friend of mine who used to own a hobby shop and keeps up to date in the hobby told me. Great source of info!
 5 August 2018, 20:46
Erik Leijdens
Great result! 👍
 5 August 2018, 21:21
amazing job!
 5 August 2018, 21:51
Łukasz Gliński
Oh, what a phabulous Phantom of my phavourite USN squadron. Wonderful! 👍
 6 August 2018, 09:26
Urban Gardini
Looking great mate!
 6 August 2018, 09:34
Beautiful work. Love the markings. How did they hold up, being so old? Did you overspray the decals before applying them? Kind regards, Dutch
 18 June 2021, 01:13
Maciej Bellos
Lovely! The decals held up great. Well done mate!
 18 June 2021, 03:07
Scott Higginbotham 著者
Thanks again. It (thankfully) doesn't show up in the pics but one of the decals is just beginning to crumble a bit (I can't think of a better description). Considering I finished it well over 20 years ago that's not bad. I simply sprayed the painted model with Tamiya clear before I applied the decals. I then put another coat of clear on after the decals and before the oil paint wash. I then applied a third coat of Tamiya clear mixed with a little bit of Tamiya flat clear. I separated each stage by a days drying time. I still use that general process with armour kits nowadays. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
 18 June 2021, 11:49
John Thomas
Nice work
 18 June 2021, 12:56
Very nice and clean work! 👍
 18 June 2021, 22:07
Rui S
I agree 👍
 19 June 2021, 19:43

Project info

3 画像
1:72 F-4J Phantom II (Hasegawa 04101)1:72 Martin Baker Mk 7 Ejection Seats (Verlinden Productions 439)1:72 F-4 Phantom Super Detail Set (Verlinden Productions 553)1+


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