Steel Dove
6 August 2018, 01:36

Another dry fit after some oils and starting on the engine.
25 August 2018, 00:20

No diorama, sorry.
I just place some figures next to the models on the shelf.
Did these guys already, for the Roland and the Hansa-Brandenburg:
26 August 2018, 23:54

Looking good... enjoy the rigging... complete other aircraft then the Etrich Taube and very similar... weird way of steering the plane...
27 August 2018, 09:11

The wing warping steering looks like it's going to be interesting, yes.
A fair bit of rigging in this one. Started on the floor. -and the chair.. 😉
Yet to stick any plastic to plastic...
27 August 2018, 12:22

Putting on some decals.
Someone had a bit of fun with the tasks for the navigator.. 🙂
5 September 2018, 05:45

Looking good Peter. Nice touch the 'to do' list. I wonder what it says ?
5 September 2018, 09:07

First one says:
Hinweise auf Gräben 2 km westlich von Artillerie
Middle one says:
Scout Standorte für Der Herr der Ringe Teil 4
Bottom one says:
Pick-up ein paar Bier für die Jungen
-Evidence of trenches 2 km west of artillery
-Scout locations for Lord of the Rings part 4
-Pick up a couple of beers for the boys
I wonder if Peter Jackson noticed.. :-D
5 September 2018, 12:15

Coming on nicely. I like the little 'brass' ? eyelets at the ends of the rigging. Are they available as an add-on ?
13 September 2018, 21:07

Thanks guys!
There is no brass. Way simpler than that! 😉
It's difficult to add brass detail without it looking overscale.
These are lanyard hitches, or cow hitches with the end secured with super glue and painted with Alclad brass.
14 September 2018, 00:22

Wiring the back of the instrument panel. I could not find any references, so 'educated guess' here..
18 September 2018, 12:45

Thank you!
Engine is coming along nicely.
Engine painting and a bit of dry fit.
Metal finishes are Alclad
24 September 2018, 09:09

Thank you!
Tried one of the photoetch wheels. A bit fiddly, but great effect!
There's a full plastic version included that would be quite a bit less stressful to do..
5 October 2018, 15:41

Yes, have to agree with Spanjaard. That is a very cool looking spoke wheel. Those PE spokes look mighty breakable!! Great job Peter.
6 October 2018, 00:08

Thank you
(Nothing like shipbuilding photoetch of course.
Sheets and sheets of much fiddler parts)
The spokes are sectioned for easier bending. Then secured in place with a ring on the rim. They are quite flimsy until this step, but once secured, they are quite sturdy.
6 October 2018, 00:31

You have certainly kept them very straight. Do they come with the kit ? or add-on ?
6 October 2018, 10:17

There are two choices with wheels for this kit.
(See latest album pic)
Same as with the Albatros BII. In fact, it is the same sprue. It even says Albatros BII in the sprue for the Taube.
6 October 2018, 10:33

Painting and decalling the fuselage before going any further.
Some decals are going around the tail are, so easier to do now.
Also this bird will start getting fragile once the tail is on...
24 October 2018, 08:18

Looking good!! Just the rigging and those hugh wings to do now. Are you going to get the new WnW Lancaster ? Nice figure set.
31 October 2018, 08:06

Thanks, a bit more still to do.
Brake claw, landing gear, radiators, propeller.
And the tricky aluminium finish of the engine cowling.
Lancaster.. aahh. I like the idea, but I think I'm going to either need a bigger house, or get one of the kids to move out! 😉
1 November 2018, 12:11

Yes thats the down side of 1/32. They do take up a bit of space. Those pesky kids have got to go!! ( The wing span on the new Lanc is just short of one metre). Interesting move for WnW?
2 November 2018, 00:48

nice dog... beautiful painted... and sculpted, very lifelike....
23 November 2018, 08:41