スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Kent Karlsen (kkarlsen)

Arado Ar 234 B-2


8 6 November 2018, 12:25
Looks very nice I think. I especially like the sheen in the canopy glass. Also, nice photos.
 6 November 2018, 14:17
Oh, wow. 1:32 scale. How long is the model? 🙂
 6 November 2018, 14:17
Roberto Rocat
 6 November 2018, 14:45
Just WOW!
 6 November 2018, 15:33
A real eyecatcher ...
 6 November 2018, 15:59
Konrad -
Yep thats indeed cool Stufe 👍
 6 November 2018, 17:11
Daniel Klink
Awesome result 👍
 6 November 2018, 17:15
Nice 👍
 6 November 2018, 18:21
dimply fantastic job as usual!
 6 November 2018, 21:18
Stefan Fraundorfer
So many details and a perfect paintjob. Congratulations!
 6 November 2018, 21:49
Erik Leijdens
Amazing work mate!
 6 November 2018, 21:51
Tim Heimer
Wow looks great!
 6 November 2018, 22:34
Holger Kranich
Amazing, Kent!!!
 7 November 2018, 07:14
Soeren R.
Fantastic work!
 7 November 2018, 07:25
Das Nice Model!
 7 November 2018, 08:38
Thomas Bischoff
awesome work!
 15 August 2019, 17:44
Stephan Ryll
Always a joy to view 🙂
 15 August 2019, 17:48
Chris Greathouse
Totally awesome!
 15 August 2019, 17:58
Tim Heimer
Nice Dio, nice work!
 15 August 2019, 18:20
Nice looking diorama. 🙂 It sort of looks filled with interesting stuff. The size of the diorama seems ideal.
 15 August 2019, 18:53
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Absolut awesom work!
 16 August 2019, 08:37
Beautiful! 👍 👍 👍
 16 August 2019, 08:53
Carsten Gurk
Brilliant work 👍
 16 August 2019, 09:44
Michael Hickey
Really, really nice.👍
 16 August 2019, 09:55
I just realized that this diorama seem to have a distinct vertical element to it, which imo is great, basically making use of the space above the diorama ground area. 🙂 The vertical line up from the ground to the wing tip, and the very upward shape of the figures also help nail this I think.
 16 August 2019, 10:13
Slavo Hazucha
Wow - big scale utilized for a truly stunning result - every part & the whole thing together look just great 👍!
 16 August 2019, 10:42
Tom Ballhoff
Great work mate 🙂
 16 August 2019, 11:00
Kent Karlsen 著者
Thank you all!
 17 August 2019, 14:49
Rui S
It seams I miss to congratulate you for another great work all arround & big dio. 👍
More photos of the Opel?
 6 July 2020, 15:04
Lochsa River
wow....very nice and original.
 6 July 2020, 15:17
Choppa Nutta
Very cool !! 🙂
 6 July 2020, 15:32
Kent Karlsen 著者
klp.com.au/product/b..r-234-in-1-32-scale/ 155 page ebook 'Building the Fly Arado Ar 234 in 1/32 Scale' Arado Ar 234B-2 + Diorama + Arado Ar 234A V-6 Prototype build.
 6 July 2020, 16:05
Alexander Grivonev
Cannot imagine the research work necessary to build all of this, amazing👍
 6 July 2020, 21:06

Project info

19 画像
1:32 Arado 234 B/B-2N (HGW Models 132556)1:32 Ar-234 kabuki masks (New Ware NWAM0001)1:32 Arado Ar 234 B-2 (Pmask PK32011)13+


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