16 January 2019, 01:14

Interesting make a good water bomber! Where did ya steal the engines from anyway?
16 January 2019, 12:24

thanks mates, Glenn, the engines are my own creation. I made one, made a resin copy then went on my way gluing it together. The only reason I built it was to put the turbine engines on it...
16 January 2019, 14:00

I do have more pics...you mean in progress or the finished model?
16 January 2019, 20:55

Well....that is another great model you have made, Chris! Possibly a newsletter article in the making?
17 January 2019, 14:25

Hi Ken
great to hear from you! Hope all's well!
thanks for the comment! always appreciated
17 January 2019, 14:45

Nice work! And another guy that likes to tweak things and follow his thoughts! Great imagination and execution on this Chris!
26 July 2019, 21:04

Wow, that came out nice! Those engines look great, and I love the work you did on the wingtips. The camo is the perfect choice for this COIN bird too.
26 July 2019, 21:13
Album info
WHIF of Revell/ Monogram A 26 in SEA camouflage with turbine engines.