VF-33 "Tarsiers" F-14A Tomcat
1 16 January 2019, 01:30

Awesome, hopefully tonight or tomorrow I'll have paint on the fuselage.
16 January 2019, 03:54

Found one! 👍
16 January 2019, 05:36

Peter, after I finish these FIVE jets (this & 4 Bucks) it will be time to down size and build a hole bunch of the really good Fujimi 1/48 Me109's & Butcher Birds, so be patient my friend they're coming.
16 January 2019, 06:17

That's not all waiting patiently! Hang on, they've got shark teeth too?
16 January 2019, 07:56

James, I think I've got about 10 or so, I really enjoy building them. I don't worry about the shake and bake Tamiya Cat.😢
16 January 2019, 09:12

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm in! 🙂
I agree with Michael, I kinda like building the Hasegawa Toms, now that I kinda have it down from building two so far. I think I have around the same number of kits too LOL.
Nice progress so far!
16 January 2019, 14:22

Yes, once you've got a couple under your belt they do go together quiet well. Just have to clean up a couple of join lines I missed, then I'll spray the underside of the fuselage. Then it is the metal leading edge on the wings and anti glare panel, a coat of Future then decaling time.
16 January 2019, 22:06

Finally got all the painting finished this morning, now she just needs a coat of Future and I'll start decaling her tomorrow.
20 January 2019, 20:43

Thanks Jos, all parts are painted now, tomorrow morning will start the decaling.
21 January 2019, 09:43

Decaling is all done now and a second coat of Future has been applied to protect the decals for the weathering process coming up next. Then it's all down hill from there, and then back to my Buck.🙂
22 January 2019, 10:07

I'll never understand why they parked these magnificent cats up and replaced them with Hornets. Best looking American jet since the Sabre! F111 the only good looking one since! Nice job again Mick, always enjoy your birds. I will confess to stalking your Wall from time to time!
22 January 2019, 11:10

Thanks Fellas, the comments help keep me stay focused and on target.
Peter, don't worry mate, I shamelessly hide in the shadows of a lot of builds on here and stalk mates walls on the quite.😢
22 January 2019, 21:26

Thank You Lode, just about to start a wash, undercarriage is already on. Should be finished maybe tonight but defiantly tomorrow.😄
23 January 2019, 00:04

Finally got this one chalked up and marked of as first finished for the year, that makes one down 11 to go.🙂 I'll take pics in the morning as it's pretty late Down Under.
23 January 2019, 14:54

Photos up, not happy with the silvering on the tails, and have to shoot a clear flat on the canopy so that will mean re masking, but that's a job for a rainy day.😢 The decals are 20 years old this year probably explains why they wanted to be such a bitch.🙁
23 January 2019, 23:57

20 year old decals will do that mate. But she still looks nice. Are you a "Cat" hoarder like me? LOL.
23 January 2019, 23:59

Ummmmmm… You could call me an equivalent male version of the "Crazy Old Cat Lady".
24 January 2019, 00:04

That's a good one, you made me laugh. I think my wife would argue that point with you though. LOL.
24 January 2019, 00:07

I like the clean configuration. Bar the silvering, a very beautiful result. Well done mate!
24 January 2019, 19:11

Thanks Dave and Maciej, and yeah I always seem to load my aircraft up, but this time I thought lets just show the planes natural lines.
24 January 2019, 20:20
Album info
This particular Tomcat was on loan from VF-101 "Grimreapers" October, 1981 and painted in these markings for VF-33.