Planning is everything...
19 March 2019, 21:39

Slow brewing project involving some HQ and radio vehicles as well as an omnibus. With a generator to supply the power.
19 March 2019, 21:44

Most of them have been in 'started' status for quite some months now. I shall try to move step by step forward.
19 March 2019, 21:47

Impressive set of vehicles, Olly! Taking seat and looking forward...
23 March 2019, 09:44

So my Schwerer Maschinensatz A on its Sd. Anhanger 24 is almost complete.
23 March 2019, 13:21

Olivier, I`m a slowhand. Some of the dios I showed are old stuff from the attic.
24 March 2019, 06:54

I shall complete the built to-morrow but very little remains to be done. I quite like this trailer.
24 March 2019, 17:54