Matchbox Lynx 1:72
1 9 May 2019, 05:37

Oh wow 😄 It always amazes me that these old Matchbox kits are still out there. Following...
22 May 2019, 10:51

Looks nice. I am waiting for the finale result , I have this kit in my stash.
22 May 2019, 15:16

Hello and welcome along. Łukasz, it's "Necron Abyss" from Games Workshop, apparently GW don't make it anymore, but Vallejo's Midnight Blue is very close.
23 May 2019, 02:23

So I'm adding a little extra detail to this, but not going too crazy. I've adjusted the undercarriage to look like it on the ground, added break lines and putting some detail onto the mk46 torpedos. No parachute pack on them so trying something new, casting. I've pressed the shape I want into modeling clay and filled the mould with sprue dissolved in Plastic Magic glue. Fingers crossed it works.
12 June 2019, 02:32

Looking great so far! I really like the green/yellow rotors 😄 (or are they black but the light is tripping?)
12 June 2019, 03:31

Yep, dark green rotor blades are how they would come from Westland and the metal connecting parts to the rotor head used to be painted in this "sandy yellow" paint. As the service of the Lynx continued down the years the colours changed, I checked and the colours are correct for the prototypes and first batch.
12 June 2019, 03:43

Oil pin wash is done. Final gloss and detailing to do on the main body and finish those blades & torpedoes
21 June 2019, 16:38

Thanks Kerry. Feel like I'm getting my mojo back. I think I'll pull the Phantom back out after this.
25 June 2019, 16:26

Mr Mojo can be such a fickle guy at times mate. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍 I recently had a big conversation with him myself. 😉 Cheers, and the Phantom is something I would love to see. 👍
25 June 2019, 20:42

She's pretty much done. I might put some arming cables on the torpedos and parachute cap cord when I get back from my visit to the UK.
16 July 2019, 03:58

Have fun on this side of the pond! Your Lynx deserves a gallery of finished build on some single-coloured background 👍
16 July 2019, 13:00

Thanks Łukasz, I keep meaning to buy a simple light box on eBay. You're right, the pictures don't show the blue finish properly.
16 July 2019, 16:34

Ok, so you were right Łukasz, the colour comes out a little better with the plain background
17 July 2019, 22:34
Album info
A 1974 Matchbox kit of a Royal Navy Lynx.