Lotus 102D Herbert
4 19 May 2019, 18:26

No Shunko decal for the top of the engine cover, have to paint your own. Sure hope the decal at the back matches TS 43 on the model. Looked good on a spoon, fingers crossed.
12 June 2020, 18:52

TS 43 and Shunkos dark green decals were no where near close. I cut out the sidepod triangle from the kit decal and while the color is closer to 43, cut edges crumble. Shunko also made their yellow stripes the same shade as TS16! So I sourced another body tree and I am just going to paint all the bits (he said). TS43 on top of TS35 and TS34 Camel Yellow on top of TS16 yellow. I got the hard mask job out of the way, the rest should be cake ( again.....he said).
7 July 2020, 05:47