1 12 June 2019, 21:44

These tiny scale builds blow me away! Well done, they look great!
13 June 2019, 06:11

Thanks Chris. Currently casting 1/700 Trackers/Traders for my carrier so more tiny scale coming soon🙂
13 June 2019, 07:08

Yeah, very nice work. It's not easy to get such great results from 1/144 scale. You might consider giving the panel lines a bit of a wash. Maybe not 100% accurate for the scale, but I find it draws out the colours that are otherwise hard to see at this scale. Just a thought.
13 June 2019, 14:05

Thanks Greg. I did two layers of wash actually. it is more pronounced somewhere and less elsewhere. In the end I decided it looks fine. cleaning the excess wash was causing a lot of damage so I did not want to risk another go 🙂
13 June 2019, 18:08

You know, now that I look at it a bit more closely, I can see it. It's just the reflection off the light that makes it seem shinier than it is. I know exactly what you mean though... some parts more pronounced than other. That happens to me all the time. Great work though, I love 1/144 builds.
13 June 2019, 21:53
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green brown MiGs - best MiGs