TA-4J Skyhawk
3 17 December 2019, 12:41

Thank you guys!Happy New Year!
The kit is really good with a lot of detail, that's the reason I decided not to use aftermarket resin parts or p.e!The cone radar is a bit bigger in diameter from the fuselage and makes a step but with careful sanding came out very well!Now everything checked and ready for a coat of white primer after masking the canopy of course!
1 January 2020, 11:45

After a lot of masking I finally managed to finish painting process!White color is for sure a very difficult color to paint!
9 February 2020, 20:14

Very good work! I started one once but the white was indeed a difficult color and so it resides at the shelf of doom at the moment.. Good to see yours is in good hands!
9 February 2020, 21:59

More progress with decals done!Unfortunately decals were not of so good quality and did not conform well with softer especially the big ones.You have to be very careful with the large decal on the vertical wing and also with the insignia marks.Next step pin wash at the panel lines, I think I am going to use tamiya black panel liner.What do you think?
23 February 2020, 15:58

Final photos my friends!The kit came to an end finally!For the wash I used a dark grey oil and also I did some weathering with oils at the bottom.For the final finish I used gunze uv cut gloss varnish with 2 drops of matt varnish in order to achieve a shiny but not too glossy finish!Thank you for watching!
20 March 2020, 09:03

Excellent build Alexandros. The color scheme for this scooter is amazing. The weathering is subtle yet effective. Well done!
20 March 2020, 11:36