sovereign sd.kfz. 231? vintage kit
14 5 January 2020, 11:59

Well until now It's not that bad actually, Sovereign did a good job in casting the part's. But you must forget the present day kit accuracy.
5 January 2020, 18:24

Thanks but I must say it's more work than I planned, I'll upload some pics this weekend of the (slow) progress.
22 April 2021, 16:43

It's finished, and should represent an Sd.Kfz 231 from 4th Panzer divison - 36th regiment during the Polish campaign in 1939.
I used the following sources for detailing, painting and placement in time:
- German Armoured Car Drawings P. 27-35
- Pz. Tract 13
- Wehrmacht Support Vehicle's P. 33
- Concord Armour at War p. 24 and 70
- Armoured Vehicle's of the German Army 1905-1945
All gaps and blancs are a product of my imagination.
It was a fun build, but I if you have the urge to try and make models as accurate as possible... don't! I repeat, don't buy this!
Thank you, for all the encouragement I received during the build!
16 October 2021, 13:08