TomGreat model - nice scheme 👍
11 March 2020, 12:25
Rui SLooking good 👍
12 March 2020, 00:14
Bob HallGood looking "Fighting Girlfriend" ya got there !
12 March 2020, 02:49
Mirko RömerSplendid paintwork wow!
10 November 2020, 21:03
Rui SVery well done paintjob and weathering 👍
10 November 2020, 22:21
NeulingInteresting camouflage!👍
11 November 2020, 10:24
James CVery nice work 👍
11 November 2020, 16:40
AnthYour chicken wire cammo looks excellent. How did you add the lines?
2 March 2022, 15:33
Simon NagorsnikAwesome winter camo!!
That`s a really good job 👍
2 March 2022, 15:52
EnsignExpendabl 著者@AntQ: I used an acrylic paint marker with a 0.2 mm tip.
2 March 2022, 20:31
AnthBrilliant. Thank you 👍
2 March 2022, 21:07