01 - Assembling the Panzer IV Ausf.D
April 1, 2020the box!2
April 1, 20203
April 1, 2020never, never, never more choose the Photoetched instead of the injected part!4
April 1, 2020all this processes!5
April 1, 2020for this!!!!!! I don't know yet WHY I follow the manual sometimes!6
April 1, 2020really Dragon? what do you think? I have shaking hands!!! 😄7
April 1, 2020look this size too!8
April 1, 2020more one!9
April 1, 2020PE detais, without any injected part for optional parts! hehehe10
April 1, 2020well, lets to the steel cables! to relax11
April 1, 2020molding them!12
April 1, 2020a week in this position!13
April 1, 2020and will be ready!14
April 1, 2020tools on fenders!15
April 1, 2020more Photoetches! OH GOD!16
April 1, 2020lets, go for some dry-fit!17
April 1, 202018
April 1, 2020YES, I like dry-fits while riding! I'm excited to finish assembling and see that everything is going well!19
April 1, 202020
April 1, 2020let's work in the turret now!21
April 1, 2020cover the ejection marks!22
April 1, 202023
April 1, 2020making some interior details in scratch!24
April 1, 202025
April 1, 202026
April 1, 202027
April 1, 2020looking good to me!28
April 1, 2020now I can see the empty hull spaces, so let's start filling those spaces!29
April 1, 202030
April 1, 202031
April 1, 202032
April 1, 2020a more simplified interior, but just so as not to be empty when looked inside!33
April 1, 2020interior view of the turret with scratches34
April 1, 202035
April 1, 2020another dry-fit? 😄36
April 1, 202037
April 1, 2020the ceiling support is my invention, then I discovered that the tracks-links were only supported on the ceiling without supports there38
April 1, 2020resuming assembly after removing all the old paint and keeping it in the box for 2 years39
April 1, 2020these stains are all from the old paint that was problematic with the italeri matte clearcoat and that was whitened in the application!40
April 1, 2020but the mistake with clearcoat was mine, almost certainly!
1 April 2020, 05:54
Project info
96 画像
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D

4./Pz.Rgt. 8, 15 Pz.Div. (Afrikakorps) 4
1941 World War 2»North Africa Campaign

RAL8000 gelbbraun