スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
Neal N (Clutch)

F-4EJ Kai 301SQ Phinal Phantom


5 18 April 2020, 05:56
Andy Ball
you've managed a great piece of art out of such an old kit!
 22 April 2020, 12:42
Neal N 著者
Thanks. I'm surprised it didn't have major fit issues. There are some minor issues on the radome joint, foward/aft fuselage joint, and nose gear well/forward fuselage joint, but that's about it.
 23 April 2020, 01:02
Maciej Bellos
Enticing metal area!
 24 April 2020, 14:19
Bryn Crandell
Looking good so far. Joining in the fun.
 24 April 2020, 15:19
Oleg Smilyk
I like!Watching!
 24 April 2020, 15:49
Neal N 著者
And finished! Came out much nicer than expected. Added some RBF tags made out of masking tape.
 30 April 2020, 06:03
Patrick Hagelstein
 30 April 2020, 06:14
Oleg Smilyk
Very nice done !
 6 May 2020, 11:04
beautiful job! specially in those big decals and the amount of stencils.
 2 December 2020, 12:29

Album info

Hasegawa 1/72. Saw this jet at both the Misawa and Yokota airshows. Planning an operational payload instead of the display configuration.

25 画像
1:72 F-4EJ Kai Phantom II '301SQ F-4 final year 2020' (Hasegawa 02319)


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