5 4 May 2020, 02:34

Nice work Chris, I assume the resin is your own stuff. Brave man building a Broplan kit!
4 May 2020, 03:59

Hahaha thanks Ray. It's been 3 years in the making! I'm gonna push through to the bitter end now if I can. I made resin engines and main gear sponson....I can't recommend this kit
4 May 2020, 04:04

It's Broplan, but what can you expect, while there's no competition in 1.72 🙁
Great job anyway, looking forward to seeing it completed 👍
4 May 2020, 10:13

You are a real brave man Chris! Congratulations on completing the model! This is the first time I see a completed ATR from Broplan. You did a great job, while Broplan should be really ashamed of what they made.
17 May 2020, 06:16

Hahaha! Thanks guys! It took all my energy to get it done, breaking it back down to re-do stuff as I went Along. Once I got the sponson fitted and quit cracking open seams I quickly painted it. I bought 2 thinking I'd do a couple....not sure I will now though, it's a tough nut!
18 May 2020, 16:14

huge amount of work and excellent result!
Are windows clear or decals?
18 May 2020, 18:31

Thanks, yes Testors clear decal film for cabin windows, clear tape for cockpit windows.
18 May 2020, 23:40
Album info
ATR 72-500 conversion to ATR 42-300