Progress on the VK 30.01ビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. 2May 21, 2020First selfmade stencil. Oramask 810, Portrait 2 Cutter. Fontsize 12p 3May 21, 2020My paintjob sucked, but the stencil worked great. 4May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. 5May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. 6May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. 7May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. 8May 25, 2020Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build. コメント 1 21 May 2020, 19:28NeulingTop work, clean build, nothing overdone. 25 May 2020, 17:28Project infoVK 30.01 (H)8 画像1:35完成すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »