Finished Picturesビュー: スライドショー モザイク リスト 1June 7, 2020 2June 7, 2020 3June 7, 2020 4June 7, 2020 5June 7, 2020 6June 7, 2020 7June 7, 2020 8June 7, 2020 9June 7, 2020 10June 7, 2020 11June 7, 2020 12June 7, 2020 13June 7, 2020 14June 7, 2020 コメント 5 7 June 2020, 13:46Naramnice built nice pics ! 7 June 2020, 17:00Oleg SmilykGreat job to build,Gustavo.I think the Eduard,s Mig is correctly. 7 June 2020, 19:18Gustavo Sarmento 著者Thanks, guys! This kit was built by Fujimi and seems pretty good overall. But I guess the Eduard one is better... 7 June 2020, 20:56NeulingImpressive finish! 8 June 2020, 06:43Gustavo Sarmento 著者@Neuling: thanks to Revell enamels. 🙂 8 June 2020, 13:55Project infoMiG-21PF (early) "Phantom Killer"39 画像1:72完成Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PF Fishbed-D Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam (Vietnam People's Air Force 1959-now)4324Silver Overall すべてのアルバムすべてのアルバムを見る »