Tamiya 1:48 F4U-1A Corsair
23 21 June 2020, 12:04

Really nicely done. What did you use for the radio wire? Is that thread or stretched sprue or something else?
21 July 2020, 13:57

Liking this a lot. In early stages of my build so wondering about the transparent window on the underside - was going to paint that over but I've seen most builders mask it. And the blue transition on the fuselage - are we doing that by eye or is there a method? Thanks for sharing, bit of inspiration for my project and might tryu some of the weathering I see!
3 October 2021, 15:31

@brianireland - I believe the window at the bottom is correct for the F4U-1A. It was removed in future versions.
The camouflage was done by eye with putty masks and a slightly oblique angle to get a soft edge.
8 December 2021, 03:58

Thanks @Eric. Im painting with a hairy stick for now but thanks for.the hint on airbrushing and masks.
8 December 2021, 11:03